Fitted the Carnewal system, it's a piece of cake. Takes a little fiddling to fit it all inside the headlamp unit, but it does get in there in the end. The transformation is quite remarkable, I can actually see on a dipped beam now. I personally wouldn't bother with the high beam conversion as well, as other than the old high beam bulbs projecting a yellow light, the experience on high beam is just fine. I will sort out a set of new high beam bulbs with a whiter light at some point.
Overall this is a great upgrade and one that I am happy to recommend.
Wouldn't bother with the LED's for fogs though - looks a little max-power for my liking, so I swapped back to the original bulbs...[]
Overall this is a great upgrade and one that I am happy to recommend.
Wouldn't bother with the LED's for fogs though - looks a little max-power for my liking, so I swapped back to the original bulbs...[]