Active member
No seriously this one has truly got me beat.
I woke with a start at 7.30am this morning to the sound of my Wife shouting up the stairs ' your car fans running '
uh? [&:] tumbled out of bed half asleep, ran down the stairs out into the lane half dressed to be met with a blast of frozen air and a blizzard.!.... wtf?
Sure enough in the still morning air the fan was howling like a banshee ... Tried the passenger door... handle froze in the open position door welded shut with solid ice. Tried the passenger door same . Hit it a few times with frustration and it opened thank god. Climbed across the seats to yank the bonnet catch aware that I was committing that cardinal sin I am forever warning the Wife of ......Don't kneel on the leather seats !'
Pulled the bonnet , no glasses so pulled a few fuses at random without luck. Finally found what i thought was the right fuse and pulled it and instead of the fan turning off the other fan cut in so now the car is sounding like a jump-jet Harrier about to take off!.
Looked again and found the second fan's fuse No 10 and yanked it and there was immediate silence . Just as well really because the hatch is so frozen there is no chance of getting to the battery until its thawed some.
Well i guess it has to be the radiator sensor , can't really be anything else really. As luck would have it I actually have a spare sensor in the kitchen dressor that I bought last year and never got around to fitting .Working on the car today was definitely not on last nights agenda but i guess I'd better roll out the extension lead and put the battery on charge .But I'm going to have brekkers and a nice cuppa first lol[
safe journey everyone
I woke with a start at 7.30am this morning to the sound of my Wife shouting up the stairs ' your car fans running '
uh? [&:] tumbled out of bed half asleep, ran down the stairs out into the lane half dressed to be met with a blast of frozen air and a blizzard.!.... wtf?
Sure enough in the still morning air the fan was howling like a banshee ... Tried the passenger door... handle froze in the open position door welded shut with solid ice. Tried the passenger door same . Hit it a few times with frustration and it opened thank god. Climbed across the seats to yank the bonnet catch aware that I was committing that cardinal sin I am forever warning the Wife of ......Don't kneel on the leather seats !'
Pulled the bonnet , no glasses so pulled a few fuses at random without luck. Finally found what i thought was the right fuse and pulled it and instead of the fan turning off the other fan cut in so now the car is sounding like a jump-jet Harrier about to take off!.
Looked again and found the second fan's fuse No 10 and yanked it and there was immediate silence . Just as well really because the hatch is so frozen there is no chance of getting to the battery until its thawed some.
Well i guess it has to be the radiator sensor , can't really be anything else really. As luck would have it I actually have a spare sensor in the kitchen dressor that I bought last year and never got around to fitting .Working on the car today was definitely not on last nights agenda but i guess I'd better roll out the extension lead and put the battery on charge .But I'm going to have brekkers and a nice cuppa first lol[
safe journey everyone