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BigCat said:
I have just called Marsh to enquire if I can request Track Day Cover by telephoning on the day I want it, the answer was yes and I would receive a cover note by email on the day, however, they went on to tell me that it costs £20 to set up the extension. As I said in a previous post I have not been charged before so I have sent them a scanned copy of the Porsche Insurance Brochure, the specific wording printed in this brochure is "Upon request your policy can be extended free of charge to allow you to participate in any Porsche Driving Experience Day in your own car and up to two organised track day events within the UK. The cover provided is subject to an increased excess." I have sent them a copy of this and wait to see what they come back with. Adrian
How did you get on with the £20 fee ?


Well the end result was a letter from Marsh pointing out that the wording in the brochure I referred to also says "subject to terms and Conditions" and Marsh say that one of those Ts and Cs is the administration fee they did however as a goodwill gesture say they will waive the fee for the next track/experience day.

Marsh went on to say that this was their final response and if I did want to take it further then I could refer my complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service but I'm not going to bother as it's unlikely to be upheld given the catch all wording "subject to terms and conditions".

Not impressed to be honest given that some people here don't get charged and others do and some like me have not been charged in the past and then it all changes.

I will be looking again at the end of the year when my policy comes up for renewal as by then I will also have my new Macan S so a multi Porsche policy is what I want.

ChrisSeaward said:
Hi BND, welcome to Porsche Club GB.

I'm sorry to hear that you haven't received a call back from Lockton. I'll speak with them tomorrow and ask them to call you as soon as possible.

Look forward to meeting soon.


Chris Seaward General Manager, Porsche Club GB

Hi Chris, thanks for the msg. Didn't hear back again today so think I'll let it go now. If it takes this long for them to want to take the business and my money, I can't imagine how long it might take should I need something from them in the event of a claim.

Lancerlot said:

We don't know who you are because you are posting anonymously. But welcome - whoever!

You are certainly not the first to experience this by any means. It would help us all if you would contact David Hamer at to advise him, since he doesn't seem to believe there's a problem in his office responding to these enquiries.

Of course, it may be they are embarrassed by the premium being obtained from underwriters because for modern high value Porsche, they are invariably far more expensive than many of their competitors.

However, completely ignoring a member's initial enquiry doesn't seem to be the best way of cementing the position as the Club's broker. [8|]

BTW If you contact your forum status can be changed from "guest" to "member".



Hi Clive, haven't done a complete profile but not posting anonymously and also showing as member. Already sounds like the club should quickly find a new broker. Though they are not the only ones ... a number of companies haven't even bothered replying to my initial contact let alone get my details for a quote. And currently with AIB from the other forum and they have completely messed me about.

Welcome to the 991 Forum - and let us know how you finally insure with. Most 991 owners on here seen to end up with Marsh/Porsche Insurance despite the track day issue highlighted above.

Also, let us have a peek at your car here [link=][/link] when you have a moment.

I've now contacted Lockton's three times for a quotation on two different Porsches since they became a PCGB business partner. They were by far the most expensive each time. Give Henderson Taylor a call if you need a competitive quote......

pwebb said:
Welcome to the 991 Forum - and let us know how you finally insure with. Most 991 owners on here seen to end up with Marsh/Porsche Insurance despite the track day issue highlighted above.

Also, let us have a peek at your car here [link=][/link] when you have a moment.

Thanks. Do you have a particular contact in Marsh?

Update - eventually did get a quote from Lockton but they were 10% more expensive than two other quotes, and wouldn't insure for European driving holidays.

Hi All,

I tried to get a quote from lockton in april, however after giving the details of both cars they failed to come back to me with a qoute. I rang them about 10 days later and was told by the girl she had been on holiday! She then said they could only find the information for one of the cars the other had been lost. She gave me a quote that was very expensive. So i continue to stick with Manning, who have always given good service. Their price for a 993 turbo was 437.40, with agreed PCGB valuation. So i will being going to manning for a quote on my gt3rs when it is due to arrive late this year.

It would seem to me that PCGB have made a mistake in recommending Lockton.

terrysquires said:
So i will being going to manning for a quote on my gt3rs when it is due to arrive late this year.

You would be doing yourself a favour if you were to obtain a quotation from Marsh too on 0845 600 6502



I spoke to Marsh but with an aftermarket exhaust on my 991 Turbo S they would only insure me if I was able to provide them with an exact bhp reading ... ie. essentially they told me I needed to go and do before and after dyno runs and provide them with the documentation.

I went elsewhere.

Reporting another win for Marsh, just swopped Barbara's car out for a new Audi SQ5 (Macan's boot the wrong shape) after a few calls around for insurance Marsh were half the price of others, including Chubb, for the same cover. Enough said.

After the usual round of 'horse trading' another result for Marsh 😊

991 turbo s 115k value, 6000mpa ,protected ncb ,legal cover etc £699 excess £430

Tried Locktons as usual but 5000mpa £1200, if I elected to do 7000mpa £1500😲

Never came back with any improvement after promising to 'to consult with there underwriters '.

Manning at £900 were closest ,which had unlimited track day cover ,this was with Aviva anyway.

Well here we go again.

I just renewed my 991 GTS with Porsche Insurance (Marsh) the total premium had risen by just £3 and given the car is now a year old it actually reduced by £33 through revaluing the car to it's current market value.

Having done the research, my present insurer does come out as the most competitive, in terms of cost, features advantages and benefits however, I have today collected a Macan S Diesel as an interim car until my Macan GTS arrives in April and was totally shocked by the quotes so for more on this please go to the Macan Forum where I will be posting the experience, it's worth a read.😈

I use Admiral multi car and pay in the region of £550 a year to insure my GTS. Insuring my previous car, a 991 S cabriolet cost £450....

Last year Lockton offered me a premium for an all bells and whistles multi car policy including PCGB track days that was cheaper than the sum of individual quotes I had received. This year, policy commencing 1st Feb 2016, their renewal premium is the same as last year once you strip out the impact of the increase in IPT. Where appropriate putting cars on agreed value has also proved very simple. And if as seems likely I add a car during the year it goes on without any additional premium whatsoever being payable.

Some points to note with Lockton:

There is an initial flat fee for the proposer and an additional lesser flat fee element for any other named user.

Premium for the first £x of declared value is calculated at y%

The remaining £ of value is at z% where z is less than y.

So the more cars you put on and the more valuable they are the less significant becomes the initial flat fee as a percentage of the total premium.

Whether this is the sort of product PCGB should be seeking for its members is another matter. Perhaps the powers that be could enlighten us on how they reached their decision.


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