Hi. The price is £125 per driver with a further £5 for each guest. Usual rules apply re no back seat passengers for those of us with 4 seats. You may bring up to 3 cars for the one Driver payment. The Sytner number for bookings that i recived is PC Glasgow 0141 943 1155. There will be 4 driver groups ranging from no experience to very experienced as in previous events. I have no detail on timings or whether its Porsche only unfortunately.
Can someone sort the weather out please!
Can anyone confirm that you can bring 3 cars for the driver payment? If so, I can try to bully my brother-in-law into taking his 996 out for a spin on track! He's bringing it anyway. It will be the silver one with a For Sale notice on it. He wants to offload it so someone might bag a bargain.
0815 Registration
0915 Safety briefing
0930-1230, 1330-1600 Track sessions
The info doesn't say but I assume there will be Porsche only sessions, as per last Oct.
See you all there.
Richard, they normally let you bring up to three cars - but this is for one driver only. so You can drive other cars, but you cant let anyone else drive yours unless they have registered and paid as a driver.
see you there,