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ORIGINAL: sawood12
Of course a nice side effect of the IceShark kit is that due to the uprated earthing and voltage regulator the electric windows work at the right speed and i'm sure solves alot of the electrical gremlins our cars suffer from time to time.
sorry to go a bit off-topic, but I've seen a few references to the uprated earthing improving various electrical matters. Isn't that a simple mod anyone could make regardless of what they're doing with the lights?
Back on topic, I've got H4 driving lamps mounted below the indicators (only lit on main beam) so I suppose I could 'easily' uprate the bulbs in those and leave the headlamps alone? Sounds simpler. They are non-standard driving lamps, and whilst they look a bit chavvy ( [&:] sorry folks) they certainly supplement the main beam well - better than the original driving lamps ever did. I've also got a pair of the same lamps modified to take 4W sidelamp bulbs; I'm not using the original clunky rectangular driving lamp. All this was necessitated by fitting the GRP front and not being able to (or wanting to) fit the original driving lamp.