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London's new Ultra Low Emissions Zone


PCGB Member
This new zone comes into effect in just over 3 weeks time and requires all cars to pay unless they meet Euro 4 standard.

Our beloved 944s are not listed as meeting this - presumably because they were manufactured well before the standard was set.

However it's possible for the manufacturer to confirm that a particular vehicle does meet the standard. Do we know whether Porsche are able to confirm this for 944s?
There's no chance of our 944's meeting the new low emissions, we will have to pay until we are banned outright that is....
Hi just read this post i dont live in London. But what happens to those that do and own a car that foes not comply??

they get a 6 year free pass, then have to pay....this will grow, other cities will follow soon until petrol and diesel is outlawed across the land, looks like Scotland may be first going by their announcement a few weeks back...
There's 2 side to the CC charge, you get charged entering it OR if you drive a vehicle within the CC zone too between 0700-1800hrs.

Its know as the T (Toxic) Charge £10 which is on top[/b] of the CC London Charge of £11.50 = £21.50 a day, I may be wrong it only applies to Monday to Friday between 0700 and 1800 hrs. I think its OK (free) for entering the CC zone after 1800hrs or free at week ends and Bank Holidays **but chargeable if you drive within the CC zone or leave after 0700hrs Monday so be-warned you get charged......... unless its a T-Charge is a 24/7 payment charge now is this the case?

Pete is that for real with the 6 x Day passes how do they track the usage do you have to register?

Hi John

Sorry, I must have confused the changes that come into effect soon with those that do in 2020...I can't find the link now but do have this one that gives details for 2020... there will be a 3 year pass for residents, so still until year 2023, perhaps I got confused here as I had the same year in mind? there will be no 'free' times though... this new charge will be every day of the year for all time frames. Historic vehicles are exempt, so I just need to wait 9 years before going to London again....If the mayor has his way, the zone will be much larger, there's been some talk of everything within the that's very worrying....I thought that right now Sunday's were free or they were before the price increase, I haven't kept up to date though as I avoid driving into London these days, I much prefer the tube....:)

Good morning everyone,
@ Admins: I think this is a more general and not car (944) specific topic... might be good to move.

Today the T-Charge came into force for those driving into the existing Congestion Zone (CCZ) between 7am and 6pm Monday to Friday.
Additional information about the T-Charge can be found here:
[URL=][/URL] or

From 2020, the existing CCZ will be converted into a Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ), 24/7. Additional information:

At the moment it appears there will be no exemptions for our old cars if they don't have a historic number plate. This may apply to most of the air cooled Porsche and a few water cooled Porsche.

Did anyone find out how vehicles with foreign number plates are charged as I assume TFL is unable to check whether they meet the requirements of avoiding to pay the T-Charge or not? Do you have to provide the information online? How will that be verified?

Your help is highly appreciated.

Many thanks !

Yours, Julian
What a liberty!,,,,,
So if me an and Mrs P want to nip upto the Albert Hall for xmas carols or a gig then its a £21 charge,,,
any car before 2006 and pay up,,,,,jasonp
Shame we can't just show them the emissions test cert from the MoT, the stuff they test for is probably way better than Euro4! Latest one for my 968 cab shows CO 0.00% HC 11ppm!
jasonp said:
just another stealth tax Chris,,
After 5pm in the week and weekends should be ok,,,,jasonp
For now, yes. However the full-blown ULEZ is aiming to be 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

I live near the edge of the current congestion charge zone, but have only paid the congestion charge twice as I very rarely drive into town during a weekday. However the ULEZ will catch me every single time I drive my car. Will it be a serious problem? Yes. What will I do? I don't know, although I do know I won't be able to afford to pay the £21 or whatever it will be every time I drive somewhere. Selling the car and getting an electric car will be a serious possibility. Selling the house and buying somewhere in an area that is less fascist, dictatorial and money-grabbing is another one.

I hate Khan with a passion.
Wow! i never knew it was going to be 24/7,,,,
Kahn as a bee in his bonnet about cars and yes i dislike him intensly....
How does it work if one lives in Mayfair or Knightsbridge or the Barbican? i imagine they wont pay a penny,,,,,jasonp
Sorry to say, guys that these charges in time will be pretty much universal across our big cities. Not for long though as plans are already afoot for an outright ban on the internal combustion engine, which itself will cease being produced in my lifetime, I'm 57...The big question is how long do we keep our cars before they become worthless? Scotland will ban all sales of new diesel and petrol cars from 2035, England will do likewise 5 years later. Now when you consider the development/production costs of a new internal combustion engine vehicle, an accountant would probably suggest that no new cars of this type are built from at least 5 years before these dates, perhaps even 10, that could mean 7 years time...makes you think? Fuel and even oil will become harder to source and extremely expensive for each year after the ban comes into effect. This is not scaremongering, it's simple economics...

blade7 said:
Get out of the smoke while you can [;)].
it won't matter where you live, this is nationwide and will become global eventually... the dinosaur fuel will be dying out just as the creatures that created it did...:)
PSH said:
blade7 said:
Get out of the smoke while you can [;)].
it won't matter where you live, this is nationwide and will become global eventually... the dinosaur fuel will be dying out just as the creatures that created it did...:)

I'll give you £100 for that 944 gas guzzler then Pete.....[;)]. may need a few more pennies than that Paul......:) on a serious note though I have been giving the prospect of selling the beast some thought.....I should be looking at a sensible car that I can get in and out off easier at my old age, trouble is as soon as I drive it I'm just in aww of what it does. I need the head to begin ruling the heart...:)

The politics who decide that kind of nonesense should be sentenced to spend the rest of their lives in the factories that will be supposed to recycle the batteries of the electric vehicles that will ultimately miserably fail to replace ICE vehicles and prove a far worse environmental nightmare than petrol engines.

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