Just popped into Texaco/Summerfields to pick up a few bits on my way back from a nice drive.
After I paid and came back to my car I saw someone had left me a little present:
What kind of moron hits a bright silver car in a petrol station swarming with CCTV cameras and drives off without admitting what they have done?!
Will be reporting to the Police (located opposite the garage) tomorrow morning when they open. Will let them track down the idiot...
Sorry: need to vent []
After I paid and came back to my car I saw someone had left me a little present:
What kind of moron hits a bright silver car in a petrol station swarming with CCTV cameras and drives off without admitting what they have done?!
Will be reporting to the Police (located opposite the garage) tomorrow morning when they open. Will let them track down the idiot...
Sorry: need to vent []