as it's only a face lift the 718/982 is a 981 with a 4 pot, it that's simple.
so what's lost is the flat 6, that's not hard to work out
they have down graded the 981 and made a cheaper car !
the next gen Cayman will be a real new model so time will tell, but it's now an entry level car, over a model in it's own right imo.
If you like the Torque at 3k revs then that can be a gain, but then every new car is like this now so a bit mainstream, ie like a golf !
A real sports car needs that something to make it a cut above a normal car, a engine with more that 4 cylinders goes a long way to set it apart, from a golf !
I would rather a RS3 like Chris has or a Golf clubsport than a 982 and say an Elise in the garage those 2 cars are still cheaper than a new list price 982 !
or a base level 911 even the 911 has a 6 pot turbo ! so not 4 pots in site for the 911 range.
My Cayman R is still a better car than my GT4 to drive as a road car if you like cars, less grip and more feel, so I am not slating the 982, it is what it is, but to loose a Cayman R is a hard nut to swallow as it's one of Porsche best ever cars imo.
I even think the 982 seems a cheaper build than the 981 also, it def for the 1st time feels alike a poor mans 911 to me. And I hate that saying as it's a bloody expensive car.
so what's lost is the flat 6, that's not hard to work out
the next gen Cayman will be a real new model so time will tell, but it's now an entry level car, over a model in it's own right imo.
If you like the Torque at 3k revs then that can be a gain, but then every new car is like this now so a bit mainstream, ie like a golf !
A real sports car needs that something to make it a cut above a normal car, a engine with more that 4 cylinders goes a long way to set it apart, from a golf !
I would rather a RS3 like Chris has or a Golf clubsport than a 982 and say an Elise in the garage those 2 cars are still cheaper than a new list price 982 !
or a base level 911 even the 911 has a 6 pot turbo ! so not 4 pots in site for the 911 range.
My Cayman R is still a better car than my GT4 to drive as a road car if you like cars, less grip and more feel, so I am not slating the 982, it is what it is, but to loose a Cayman R is a hard nut to swallow as it's one of Porsche best ever cars imo.
I even think the 982 seems a cheaper build than the 981 also, it def for the 1st time feels alike a poor mans 911 to me. And I hate that saying as it's a bloody expensive car.