I know what you mean about Lemons - I haven't put any money by for it yet and I only get paid twice more between now and then [&o]
I have also managed to dent the salary that arrived today to the tune of £750+ already - still, I'm now the proud owner of a bottom end gasket set, head gasket, Raceware head studs and a water pump for a 944 Turbo. Oh, and a whizzy Corbeau seat [8D]
Any donations gratefully received...
I have also managed to dent the salary that arrived today to the tune of £750+ already - still, I'm now the proud owner of a bottom end gasket set, head gasket, Raceware head studs and a water pump for a 944 Turbo. Oh, and a whizzy Corbeau seat [8D]
Any donations gratefully received...