No doubt the current issue of Porsche Post will have brought to your attention that the planning for the above event is well in hand, and where the Register Displays are concerned, there is a theme - Red, White and Blue.
Barry Smith and Phil Clark ( 930SE Register ) elected to organise this years displays, and they want one car of each colour - red, white and blue - for each model. It has already been recognised that white fell off in popularity as a colour, so in the absence of white examples, silver will be substituted.
In the case of the 911 Turbo Register, this means that I need to find at least 12, and possibly 15 cars ( depending on how deliveries of 997 Turbos are going! ): 3 each of the following 911 Turbo variants: 930, 964, 993, 996 and 997.
Those of you who are interested in making your cars available for either the whole of both days ( preferable ), or at least one of the days, please let me know sooner rather than later; by the end of March would make life a great deal easier for all concerned!
Having said that, I do recognise that peoples priorities and committments will change between now and August - all I'm trying to avoid is the usual influx of volunteers in the final fortnight prior to the event. Barry and Phil want to make this years Register Display Area at Eynsham Hall look slick and professional, and for that reason priority will be given to owners who are able to commit their cars to the event early on.....and I've already had my first offer!
Thanks for your support,
Barry Smith and Phil Clark ( 930SE Register ) elected to organise this years displays, and they want one car of each colour - red, white and blue - for each model. It has already been recognised that white fell off in popularity as a colour, so in the absence of white examples, silver will be substituted.
In the case of the 911 Turbo Register, this means that I need to find at least 12, and possibly 15 cars ( depending on how deliveries of 997 Turbos are going! ): 3 each of the following 911 Turbo variants: 930, 964, 993, 996 and 997.
Those of you who are interested in making your cars available for either the whole of both days ( preferable ), or at least one of the days, please let me know sooner rather than later; by the end of March would make life a great deal easier for all concerned!
Having said that, I do recognise that peoples priorities and committments will change between now and August - all I'm trying to avoid is the usual influx of volunteers in the final fortnight prior to the event. Barry and Phil want to make this years Register Display Area at Eynsham Hall look slick and professional, and for that reason priority will be given to owners who are able to commit their cars to the event early on.....and I've already had my first offer!
Thanks for your support,