Cant help much with the Litronic headlights Matthew.
But Zunsports (as you say you have bought are a great addition)
I bought mine as soon as I bought the car and had them on 6.5 yr before just selling it a few weeks ago.
I fitted them myself and have removed them and checked for debris and other than a bit of dust nothing gets past them so no real need to remove them imo.
Wiper blades.
If you're getting a bit of judder, try getting some graphite dust (Kasp stuff off Zorro Tools/Cromwell Tools on Amazon or eBay is just the ticket and about £5 i think) I have two packs in the garage.
Its messy stuff, but just sprinkle some on a cloth and wipe the length of your wipers with it. It acts as a lubricant and iirc most wiper blades are impregnated with graphite when new, you lose this coating off the surface with the friction of wiping the screen.
Worked a treat for me.
I'd also get genuine wiper blades as the passenger one has a very prominent curve on it, and aftermarket blade may not sit quite right, and you'll find the far edge of the passenger wiper doesn't contact the screen.
I had 19" wheels on mine, look great, hard ride, but never wanted to change them, I'd imagine 18's are a nice balance, the 17's look like you've got the bottom of the range car, if you know what I mean.
Hood treatment
Yes, I used to clean mine with 303 Fabric Cleaner and protected it with 303 Fabric Guard.
Cleaner is ok to use out of the spray bottle, I used to decant the fabric guard into a Chinese takeaway container and apply it with a sponge, much more accurate way to apply these protectors.
If spray willy-nilly they can wreck the finish of your plastics/ rubber seals.
Hope this helps a bit in addition to what others have also said [8D]