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New member here


New member
Hello all,

Just joined the club and thought I should drop a quick hello line to all.
I recently acquired a beautiful 991S and just finished a proper 4,300 mile road trip in Europe, exploring and enjoying!

I look forward to participating in the forum and club events.

Kind Regards,
That's a hell of a road trip! Which countries did you visit (or which didn't you if that's a shorter list[:)])
MechaNikos said:
France-Germany-Switzerland-Italy-Greece and back. Will post photos! :)
Ahhh, I did spot the username, Geia sou Niko :)
We do the same to Athens/Piraeus (via SuperFast from Ancona to Patras) and then sometimes on to an island or down to Lakonia.

ScaredJimmy said:
Ahhh, I did spot the username, Geia sou Niko :)
We do the same to Athens/Piraeus (via SuperFast from Ancona to Patras) and then sometimes on to an island or down to Lakonia.

Haha - of course you did. Geia sou erm... Dimitri? :)
Same here. Did Superfast(yikes) Ancona to Igoumenitsa this year, all the way up and down the mountains to Athens and then south onwards, round of Peloponnese. Stunning!
Why Yikes on Superfast? We've only every had great crossings with them but not been for a couple of years, they not as good as they used to be? Or is it just the "ouch" factor of the price of a nice cabin/suite?

Sounds like a lovely trip, jealous.
Nothing wrong with the actual vessel(s), but yikes for the crowd, the food and the scary parking.. :)
Prices could be better, but it doesn't really matter when you're on such a long trip.

Bonus part was the round of Lake Como on the way down. Also drove past midnight from Bellagio to Como, Sport mode and PSE on. Don't think that was well received by the locals..
ScaredJimmy said:
Welcome Nicolas!

Come on, get some pictures up :)

Just flicked through my photos (~1500 of them) - here are a quick few:






Not even 100 hrs of driving... easy peasy

SteveR_Chester said:
That's a great way to get to know the car. What were the best/worst points about the drive?

Certainly more connected now. Had I drove it here in the UK like I did up in the mountains in Greece... well I'd rather not continue on this one. [;)]

This is truly a GT car - you can drive happily all day at reasonable-to-fast speeds and come out of it without a crease on your shirt.

The way the car transforms itself with Sport/Sport+ modes and PSE is phenomenal. Feels right at home on bendy roads - very fluid. Having said that, if you get in really 'closed' parts it does feel a bit uncomfortable balancing its weight (that's where the Cayman excelled!).

Having had to observe strict speed limits in many occasions made me decide to fit cruise control on it. It is a must-have option for such long drives. Fuel consumption is unbelievable for this kind of car/engine! Had a steady 800 mile stretch on the way back and it recorded 34mpg.

PDK is simply excellent. Whether you're cruising on the Autobahn on auto or going mad through the bends on manual mode, it's just fantastic. I'm done with manuals. To me, the only reason to drive a manual car is called 964.

A couple of glitches:
- Cooling system alert came on after 3500 miles on the road, but water temperature kept steady throughout. Apparently,it's just a sensor going off.
- PDK seems a bit unhappy when cold and trying to get up a steep road (mainly in underground car parks). I kept hearing a loud 'tick'.

Overall, an amazing experience. I look forward to tracking it now. Oh, and maybe change those P-Zeros for something less noisy.


MechaNikos said:
Oh, and maybe change those P-Zeros for something less noisy.

I've looked into this as I've always (with other marques) found Pirelli a bit noisy, however of the N rated choice for summer tyres, it's the difference between 73 and 74dB so virtually nothing in it. "Tyre roar" is a 911 thing really (in my limited experience of g-model and 991). Also, I've been really impressed with the "boggo" PZero's grip and overall "good behaviour" so far.

Duly noted. I must admit I enjoyed the grip (and smell) of those PZs after a 20 mile run up the mountain. Can't post what I did, but trip computer said 10.7mpg.. :p
you'll be pleased to know I approve of the colour and wheel combo Nicholas.....[;)]

I could be biased......
Ooo, nice. Still, go have a look at your maximums on the meter "page". I'm giving you an excuse to go a fiddle with your car for a bit. Go!
ScaredJimmy said:
Ooo, nice. Still, go have a look at your maximums on the meter "page". I'm giving you an excuse to go a fiddle with your car for a bit. Go!
That'd be a nice lunchtime break.. just enough tiime to tube there and back.

Will check in the evening though :)

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