I must firstly state for legal reasons these are my opinions only, although I have the evidence to back it up. 17 years ago when the car was new it came with the original PCCM and all 209 pages of instructions. To make it simpler to use my car had a Dension Gateway 500 and a Parrot CK 3000 evolution fitted. Move forward to the new PCCM plus( 54 pages of instructions online) now fitted in the car. In many areas it is far superior to the old system except one major flaw; playing music. Before I discuss the issues let me clarify one point. On the American forum Rennlist views are polarised and can get quite abusive. CD/USB stick vs Mobile phone. Get real if your an old dog and try and learn the new technology. Dispose CD, tapes, LPs and stream. This misses the point. Let me use an analogy. There is a specific opera and singer I love to hear. There is a concert in La scala Millano; how to get there? Car, train, plane, boat or a mixture. We all have our musical tastes and if you are like me they change with my mood. How can I do this in my car(not changing my mood). There are two ways, USB stick, mobile phone or a mixture of both. With the stick it is partial and the phone it is probable. Let me explain. With the stick no matter what we have tried only about 95% of the music will play in the Porsche compared with 100% on my old system in the car, my computer and my new BMW. On the phone I can upload 100% but the sound coming out of the unconnected phone is not good. OK connect to the PCCM and now two issues arise. Where do I store the phone so it or the cable doesn't get in the way of the gear lever. The second issue is I can control a selected album on the PCCM but if I want to change the album I have to use the phone. Now if I try and use a hand held phone whilst driving it is illegal. So you have to stop the car. There are two other options, put the phone in a phone holder and attach it where? Of course if you have a passenger that person could legally change the music.
These issues should have been resolved in the development process pre launch. It doesn't give me confidence if I was considering an electric car from Porsche. My overall conclusion: This is not good enough Porsche.