The windscreen on my S2 is getting scruffier and scruffier. It was replaced just before I bought the car, but the last 4 years haven't been kind to it; the number of scratches on it is immense. It is a pain to look through on a sunny day when clean as the diffration from the various scratches is dazzling, and on a wet day a drop of water won't run from the top of the screen to the bottom - it always ends up tricking along the arc of a scratch somewhere on its travels ...
So, I have a nice chap from Auto Windscreens turning up on Friday to replace it. I have heard that fitting windscreens to 944's is not an easy job, and have intentionally asked for a fitter with experience of the model. I am assured that the chap in question is 'one of our best', but my cynicism runs deep ...
So, what should I look out for? I have specified it's a top-tint screen with built-in aerial, and that I want a new trim. I have also said I am a very picky owner and that I will be exceptionally fussy about the fit and quality of the job. What should I be looking out for when the job is being done, and is there anything I can check when it is complete to ensure that the job is a good one? I seem to recall reading threads about windscreens not sitting flush with the surrounding bodywork, about water leaks and wind whistling around badly-fitted screens. I think there have been problems with people having (interior) trim damaged and paintwork scratched as well. Anything else?