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ORIGINAL: kasspa

300 miles or not, I'd be wanting to drive that 'baby' home myself....[;)]

he`s probably earning the money to pay for it while someone drives it home[:D]

i can understand that~!!!
I would pretty much go along with this. Driving away gently on start-up rather than leaving it ticking over on the driveway is the way I get the oil up to temperature as soon as practicable. Also agree with having oil temp in the Driver information display, where interestingly I find the oil temperature is higher in normal mode than Sport. See PCGB post passim. And while we are on the Driver Information display, I was pleased to find I could disable some of the more trivial stuff and have now reduced mine down to Vehicle, Trip and TPM. Even in this pared down mode, Navigation junctions pop up as before so best of all worlds in my view.

The drive it like you stole it school of running-in is interesting. That is exactly what I was told at Stuttgart on handover on a factory collection some years ago. I chose not to follow that advice and the car was still running nicely three years later. The recommendation I think comes from the theory about getting high gas pressure to seat the piston rings within the first 50 miles. Certainly this has been done with some racing motor bike engines but there they are perhaps looking more for peak power than longevity.

I did the second half of my running in on LOWTY and all seems well, so far.

You mention switching PDCC on and off. On my car I think it is on all the time and the switch just alters the mapping. Seems to work OK though as the compliance is constantly being altered in response to road conditions, driving style etc, it is hard to know where Normal ends and Sport starts.

Anyway that's enough theory.

Enjoy your new car. It's time for me to pack before setting off tomorrow on a 700 mile run home. [:)]

ORIGINAL: Cheekymonkeyman

Hi lowndes...what is LOWTY?
Enjoy your 700 mile journey... Lucky fella!

An acronym for Long Weekend Of The Year, a tour to France organised by 997 Register that was unhelpfully spelt incorrectly in my earlier post. There is a thread in the 997 Members Section.

Will do [:)]
Thanks Lowndes for this info very good of you....

I shall take the advice from yourself and Mr. Cheeky Monkeyman as it just seems sensible!

Enjoy your trip...
.....well i was meant to be having the car Friday or Saturday and apparently there has been a hold up so these dates are cancelled!![:mad:]

I have just come off the phone to the manager at the dealership who was very good and is going to look into the issues and call me back....

I am very disappointed not to be getting the car for the bank holiday but there is nothing i can do! [:(]

Really sorry to hear that... I hope you get confirmation of delivery soon... At least youve saved yourself 4 hours washing, waxing, photographing your new baby this weekend... Maybe use the time to go buy some new car cleaning products to keep the excitement going!
Good luck!
Wow. Very exciting. Be sure to update us once you've had the chance to get acquainted with it. Enjoy the last two nights of anticipation - they will be worth it!

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