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Nissan Factory Tour Washington March 31st 2023

After a bit of toing and froing the Nissan tour organiser has come back to me with a date, unfortunately they can't offer any of the original dates but do have Friday 31st March 1pm. I hope this still fits with everyone who has already expressed an interest please let me know if not.

Group A

Greg H

Dave C

Gary V

Mike F

Simon P

Randal F

John Han

John D

Andy R

John Hal

Steve F

David C

David B

Simon W

Geoff H

Group B

John A

Ruth A

Rod H

Paul G

Jonathan J

No worries Edward, unfortunately I'm having to work with the dates Nissan has available, the guy who sorts it only works part time, I will try to organise another later in the year if possible.

Thanks Greg this should be fine for me, will double check the work diary today and get holiday booked in. Thanks

Everyone who expressed an interest should have had an email regarding this event, please remember your place is not confirmed until I receive your £20 payment. Please remember I still have a couple of people on the reserve list, so please can you let me know if you are no longer able to attend as soon as possible.




Mike Fitz

Simon P

John Han


John D

Steve F

David C

Geoff H



Dave C

Simon W

David B

Morning Paul, I haven't added you because although you initially expressed an interest, I haven't received a completed booking form from you as per my initial joining instructions via the link on my opening post.

I had quite a few members who also said they would like to go but when the initial date changed, quite a large amount of them were unable to make it, therefore, I also assumed you were no longer interested. I am however still waiting for a couple of people to finalise their bookings so if they don’t, I am more than happy to add you as first reserve.

Sorry for any confusion,



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