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Now for sale £20,000.

blade7 said:
53berliner said:
good 944's are undervalued IMO

Carefully selected they'd been great buys for many years. In the last year or so I've noticed some great looking cars sitting unsold for months at £15-20k. With the odd exception I reckon there's still more cars than buyers at that money. New interest wants very low mileage, old interest wont pay that money.

Totally agree. The top end of the market is very specific, but a lot of the crap cars lower down are overpriced when people see some of the high advertised prices. Advertised price is rerely the price a car sells for, if it even sells! I'd still go for a Porsche auction with a top end 944: that's where collectors seem to take their wallets. I imagine there will be one at Silverstone Classic if not before.

Thanks Mark, the car is better than i imagined, really pleased with it. Its put away now until early spring. Just cant bring myself to drive it on the salty roads.

When the roads are bone dry I don't think salt is much of an issue. My car pulls really well in cold air and I've had some nice drives this time of year. You're missing out storing it.

Well done for selling your car, I don't think you were asking too much for it.

Yes a great 944 takes a long time to sell, months in many cases. It is not a market where a car not selling is an certain indication of the price being too high, sometimes it can be the price is too low, it is just an indication that the right buyer for that car is not ready to buy right now.

If I was in the market to spend £30k on a 944 Turbo, it would need to be the right interior and exterior colour, it would need just the right spec, it would need the right history and it would need to be advertised at just the right time of when I was looking to buy one, and then I would be happy to wait up to a year to find the right one and may only be actively looking every couple of months.

A Porsche 944 isn't a Mars bar, they are not all the same and there are not thousands of buyers all looking for the same thing, instead you have just a handful of buyers, entering and leaving the marketplace periodically looking for what they have in their head as the car they want, and for these people, if it is a white 944 Turbo with black interior, under 100k miles, immaculate, driving like new and having the right history and spec, and they have £25k to spend, if they see one and it is £30k and it is really what they want, they will find the extra £5k (or lets be realistic 20%) no matter what the 944 community says it is worth, because they will be getting what they want without compromise.

Many people here stumbled into 944 ownership, possibly wanting a Porsche years ago and could only afford a 924 or 944 perhaps, Buying one even though they may have wanted a 911 in their dreams, but could not justify the price, but then discovered the wonders of 944 ownership and what I have always said is the best kept secret of the Porsche world, which is 944's being undervalued... Now the prices are rising and I do not think many of the old school owners have adjusted their financial compass to the new marketplace.

Before 944 owners that visited my workshop were enthusiasts, every single one of them.. Now, on a regular basis I see more of them being owned by a completely different kind of owner, with a completely different budget and expectations.. It has been quite an adjustment for me to make, as you never know if honestly pointing out the cars faults will result in ruining someone's dreams or will see the owner wanting to put it right and being pleasantly happy with the cost to do so... It really is a different market out there for 944's now, one where people are happy to pay any price for the right car.

It's not just 944's though, I have seen the same thing happening with even the more modern market, buyers have realised that a cheap to buy Porsche could become an expensive proposition and that it is worth paying much more than average to get a great car that in the long run will cost less. We see Boxsters that people have purchased for £5k needing £8k spending on them to make them drive like a Boxster again, rather than like a 70s VW Beetle, the void between an average car and a top car is that wide with even the modern Porsche, let alone than a 30 year old one.

If someone has a great Porsche, that drives as it should, with no "I was meaning to sort that out" or "Maybe it could do with new shocks" issues, they have two options, sell it for a top price and wait it out for a few months, or sell it cheap so an opportunist buyer who possibly wasnt even thinking of buying a 944 or even a Porsche buys it, thinking "I was not looking for a 944, but I was suprised I got such a good one for only £xx,xxx" instead of the seller selling it after a few months and the buyer thinking "Well, I was looking for a mint 944 and this one was £5k more than I planned on spending but wow, what a car"

Just my 2p worth on the Porsche value conundrum.


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