Evening all!
Right, I'll try to explain this as clearly as I can.
This morning whilst driving to work, I noticed that when I accelerated, the car would lurch and make a sort of bang from the rear, usually more than once, in a sort of bouncing motion, for example it would go CLUNK...clunk...clunk (perhaps 3 or four times, getting quieter and less violent each time). Also if I took my foot off the throttle, it would do the same, much more noticeably in the lower more responsive gears. Usually cars do this a bit, i guess its just a bit of play in the transmission somewhere, but through the day it got quite bad. Also, as this problem got worse, I noticed that when in a fairly responsive gear, when I let the throttle off, after the clunk has happened, there is a strange noise. I'm not quite sure how to describe it; it's a mix between a grinding, a humming, and a vibration. Other than the clunks, there are no vibrations or shakes that can be felt.
I jacked the back up and had a quick look under the car, but I honestly don't know what I'm looking for. I tried to have a feel of the torque tube, but it felt like it was encased in a larger solid tube, of which didn't feel at all loose. I also gave the wheels a wobble, there was a bit of play if i rotated them before any resistance was met, but the bearings seem ok. I also gave the drive shafts a wobble, and whilst they moved a bit length-ways, there was no other play in them.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated, as at the moment I've got a horrible thought that my gearbox/diff is going to spread itself all over the road in the morning.
Thanks, Alex.
Right, I'll try to explain this as clearly as I can.
This morning whilst driving to work, I noticed that when I accelerated, the car would lurch and make a sort of bang from the rear, usually more than once, in a sort of bouncing motion, for example it would go CLUNK...clunk...clunk (perhaps 3 or four times, getting quieter and less violent each time). Also if I took my foot off the throttle, it would do the same, much more noticeably in the lower more responsive gears. Usually cars do this a bit, i guess its just a bit of play in the transmission somewhere, but through the day it got quite bad. Also, as this problem got worse, I noticed that when in a fairly responsive gear, when I let the throttle off, after the clunk has happened, there is a strange noise. I'm not quite sure how to describe it; it's a mix between a grinding, a humming, and a vibration. Other than the clunks, there are no vibrations or shakes that can be felt.
I jacked the back up and had a quick look under the car, but I honestly don't know what I'm looking for. I tried to have a feel of the torque tube, but it felt like it was encased in a larger solid tube, of which didn't feel at all loose. I also gave the wheels a wobble, there was a bit of play if i rotated them before any resistance was met, but the bearings seem ok. I also gave the drive shafts a wobble, and whilst they moved a bit length-ways, there was no other play in them.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated, as at the moment I've got a horrible thought that my gearbox/diff is going to spread itself all over the road in the morning.
Thanks, Alex.