In a similar vein...Jackie has always insisited on having her car serviced at an OPC (won't have it anyother way!) Glasgow used to be her favourite then a change of ownership lead to drop in general service and attitudes.
Edinburgh seemed to be getting good reports, so they carried out the last two services. First attempt was pretty good and no . . nasty stings in the tail...this time a wholly different story. Wanted to get the warranty re-newed and avoid the increase in cost. Arrangements were made and the 4 year service was booked and they agreed to do it while I waited. Prices where quoted and I let thenm get on with it while got stuck into their biscuits and coffee.
They have a big glass window so I spent a lot of my time watching. No a lot happened really, oil changed and a quick ferret around under the car.
I was then asked if I wanted the plugs, fuel filter and poly belt changed..."erm, a part of the service isn't it?" I answered. No, all "extra cost items"
As the engine had been changed 2 years ago and the car has only covered around 10k miles since, I politely declined. Difficult to understand why these items that have a 4yr/48k mile service life are NOT included in the 4yr service schedule cost.
So, I'm struggling to see what the extra cost over an oil change service has been charged for. Interestingly, I reckon the total amont of time that I actually saw anyone doing any work to the car was around 1 hour!
As I was being relieved of a significant chunk of cash I was asked if I wanted to book the car in again - why? All the discs and pads need changing for IIRC £1,200... worn and corroded apparently.
Once home the discs thickness was measured and found to be well above the min wear limit - the pads look to have at least 1/2 their original friction material left. Corrosion - a few hard braking sessions and the discs are bright and shiney inside and out....OPC's have seen the last of this car.
The only concern is the was impossible to get a claim passed for a failed wheel bearing (25k miles) and no goodwill was forthcoming despite a full dealer history. If I go to an independant I can't help but wonder how Porsche would react to a warranty claim...thoughts?