By saying this, everyone who reads it will be wondering where in that divide they and their own car falls.ORIGINAL: pauljmcnulty
I think the market is dividing very noticably. There are plenty of new people here with cheap cars, usually DIY repairs or happy to live with a few little faults like tatty seats, for instance. At the other end there are people who want a car that's either concourse-level condition or mechanically modified for track. What I imagine will happen is that the average cars get cheaper, with more bills and less thorough maintenance, and the rare exceptional cars become even rarer as they are long-term prospects and not appearing on the market all that often.
I fear I would be in the former camp. Ho humm. Such is life. I guess I look at people asking £10k for their 944 and realise that this is two and a half times as much as I paid for mine, three years ago, and conclude that I am dabbling in the lower end of the market.
Ho humm. As I said before.