ORIGINAL: smallspeed
ORIGINAL: carrera7
Lets get the facts straight shall we.
Leicester consulted me as to how the evening should be run and I asked for an open evening where people could meet and look round the premises with no pressure and no salesmen pouncing.
Thats fair enough and a good idea, but personally I felt the majority of the staff were avoiding us sitting in their office.. made me feel like they weren't interested; as a sales person you can be involved without being pushy or selling anything
ORIGINAL: carrera7
Sales and technical advice was there and several members who bothered to stay asked for and were given advice.
cheap shot presumably aimed at me as I left before the raffle draw, although I did get there half an hour before anyone else and I did have a regular appointment elsewhere at 8..
Regardless of that, I wouldn't have minded having a chat with the staff to see how business was going, but the only people I saw were the parts guy (who ive dealt with before and had a chat with) and an older guy in a suit who came out of a small kitchen around the corner by the white cayman, said "alright" and dashed off somewhere, possibly to watch the football on the widescreen tv in the staffroom?
ORIGINAL: carrera7
It was my suggestion that details were obtained for the data base. The evening was basically a venue for the Raffle draw which they had graciously sponsored and I would not blame them if they did not want to do it again.
I didn't see anyone taking details, but seems like a good idea; i guess most of us are on record elsewhere (silverstone, nottingham, etc) so was a good oportunity to get our details on their records
and get to know us a bit maybe?
I think them sponsoring a raffle is a great gesture, and I brought tickets and supported that. I apologise I wasnt there for the draw if my absence in some way offended people within the OPC or PCGB, but as explained above I had an appointment 15miles away on the other side of leicester at 8..
I dont see why they wouldn't want to do it again unless you're refering to comments made here, in which case nothing derogatory has been said that I can see, just people expressing how they felt and would have done things if they were running the OPC
ORIGINAL: carrera7
If you had a problem with the evening then talk to me about it next time you see me.
As Im not likely to see you anytime soon due to spending most of my time living out of a suitcase in eastern europe at the moment..
I didn't have a problem with the evening at all; I thought it was well organised and Im grateful to you for the time you spent organising it. I thought it was great to get up there and have a look around as I always feel like a bit of an idiot just wandering around a showroom drooling over the cars
I was surprised the people at the OPC didn't get more involved and Im disappointed none of the staff took the time to have a chat, seemingly prefering to sit in their glass box.. I work on the commercial side of the construction equipment business and there is no excuse for being lassie-faire with customers; whether that was their intention or not I don't know, thats how it came across to me.. We may not have been buying anything, but I still feel they could have taken the time, even if there was nothing in it for them directly.. first rule; get to know your customers!..
As a Porsche owner and PCGB member I don't honestly care; I went up there, brought some raffle tickets, had a look around the cars, ate a couple of mince-pies, then went on my way.. I buy original Porsche parts for my car, and I will continue to regardless; whether the sales staff spent the time to get to know me or anyone else last night is irrelevent really, Im not in the market for a new (or nearly new) car any time soon and as long as they get my parts in correctly and quickly Im a happy customer..
I personally feel they would get more out of the club by getting more involved with the people in the club.. that doesnt mean dontaing more raffle prizes, spending money, or offering freebies like vehicle inspections (however all of these are nice touches for which I think we are all grateful) just spending some time; it should be a two way street afterall..
As a commercial guy I thought it was a completely wasted opportunity for Porsche.. again, doesn't really make any difference to me, and perhaps I should stick with "diggers" and keep my nose out of the car business..