HI Nick,
It'll be great to see you at Rutland, it's a good chance to put faces to "forum names". Unfortunately they're nearly all a let-down in real life.....[


One problem we've never overcome with the Club having Registers is location. I once argued that Registers were slightly pointless, unless it was online-only: we had about 80 944s at our National events 10 years ago, now we're lucky to get double figures. With so many more things going on, and less money in people's pockets, they tend to do one or two things a year. Rutland seems to have hit the right month and location, and I think Pete's Brighton hoon might just become another regular for the 944 massive.
Thing is, there just aren't going to be all that many 944s near any of us. The good news is that the PCGB and Tipec regions aren't car-specific, so anyone is welcome. As a PCGB volunteer I couldn't possibly suggest you try both local groups and pick which you prefer, or even try other local regions as you're free to go to any. If someone did suggest it, and you try them out, then you might well find a local group of Porsche enthusiasts you want to spend time with.
T'internet has also brought people together in new ways. The Transaxle group on FB, thanks to Glenn and Andy, is now almost the default place for 944 gatherings to be organised. There's no more "us and them" with the 944 owners from PCGB and Tipec, apart from the odd one [&:]: we're becoming far more of an on-line group with people from all countries, let alone counties!
The forums, and internet in general, have changed classic car ownership massively, and also what we expect from car clubs. If you live in an area where every second car is a Porsche you'll struggle to find other local 944 owners, but a good local region meet can still be well worth the trip. It can also be awful (I know from experience [&o]), so try before you buy....[
