Right I had a theory (when trying to persuade a friend to buy a turbo rather than an S2) that the turbo would be more efficient than an S2 if driven slowly because off boost its a smaller capacity engine. .
No chance, really, providing they are both in good order. The lower compression of the Turbo scuppers any advantage that it might have over the S2 based on the smaller engine: it also defeats the Turbo's gearing advantage. That said, I reckon I could crack 30 on the Turbo if I tried an economy run according to my normal rules, i.e. a week of my normal daily 45 mile each way commuter run, which is mostly country A roads and fast dual carriageways, driving as economically as possible but cruising at a true GPS-corrected 70 on the dual or motorway. That gives me 54 mpg in my BMW 320D.
Just calculated that if I had been able to get my Turbo up to the same MPG as awattam's S2, I would have been up to 529 miles: blimey!