Hang on, Scotjc. Think your advice re turbo cooling is no longer valid for modern Porsche examples. You may have noticed that when you switch off, the cooling fan kicks in straightaway and continues to blow at intervals for a while until everything cools down. Thats the Porsche method to avoid turbo oil carbonising.
This fan actuation is a bit of a laugh in public car parks, especially with the old dears.Park up at, say, a National Trust place, close up the car and retire to the nearest picnic bench for a cuppa. Watch with amusement as the grans walk past and then recoil when the "wooosh" starts up!
This fan actuation is a bit of a laugh in public car parks, especially with the old dears.Park up at, say, a National Trust place, close up the car and retire to the nearest picnic bench for a cuppa. Watch with amusement as the grans walk past and then recoil when the "wooosh" starts up!