Helen Goff
No.1 Poster
right click on the photo and save to your computor files (somewhere you'll find it eg my photos)
scroll to the top of the screen and just under the Porsche shield your see the word "Profile" click on that and your be taken to your own forum profile page. scroll down that page untill you see "My avatar" then click on " Upload my picture (will replace the existing one)" this will open a browes button click on that and find the photo in your computor files click on the photo then click "ok" once it excepted your photo, scroll down to the bottom of your profile page and click "ok"
scroll to the top of the screen and just under the Porsche shield your see the word "Profile" click on that and your be taken to your own forum profile page. scroll down that page untill you see "My avatar" then click on " Upload my picture (will replace the existing one)" this will open a browes button click on that and find the photo in your computor files click on the photo then click "ok" once it excepted your photo, scroll down to the bottom of your profile page and click "ok"