There is lots of threads (on various car forums) in relation to 'N' spec tyres. Lots of dividing views on how good they are (compared to other non-N spec tyres) and whether they are really required for warranty/selling purposes. As with many things, it is a choice.
The 'N-spec' is basically tyres that Porsche approve. These are supposed to have gone through some vigorous testing, perhaps had minor changes to the tread etc, and now perform perfectly with the Porsche range. Scientific benefit or marketing gimmick - you decide! As the tyres get improved the number increases - so N0 is the first iteration, N1 the next etc. Currently the P-Zeros are N1 on their latest spec.
The issue comes in relation to the perceived impact on any OPC warranty you have. It gets vague here, but basically you 'could' be invalidating your warranty by running non N-spec tyres on your pride and joy. Many will cite examples of when this has not been the case, and I suspect if you had a faulty motor on the rear spoiler, Porsche would be hard pushed to refuse replacement under warranty because you were running YingYangDitchFinders. Alas, many of us with warranty do not want to deal with the unnecessary hassle.
Personally, I'd go for the Michelin PS4s if I had the choice. I've always been a fan of the brand and the tyres and they are wildly regarded as the best for most performance cars. Unfortunately, until recently, on the very old PS2s could be had with 'N-spec'. It appears that the long promised (I've seen emails back over 18-24 months old!) PS4s are going to be approved by Porsche in N0 spec. Exciting times, I'm sure you'll all agree
You pay your money, you take your choice. Hopefully the above provides a bit of clarity.