ORIGINAL: dlknight
Thermostats are a consumable. In modern cars if your temperature isn't rock solid then you need a thermostat. The 944 is a bit older so as I posted earlier the gauge can move a bit before the fan kicks in but it should not drop when you drive fast and rise when you slow down very much. Dropping when you drive fast is a sure sign the thermostat has failed (I assume they are designed to fail open so as not to cause overheating).
As an example my appliance used to take ages to warm at all on my commute which is pretty much dual carriageway and motorway after the first 2/3 mile and never really got warm until I came off the M5. One new thermostat later and it's showing a healthy 90 degrees or so within 5 dual carriageway miles (and it's a diesel which warms up slower remember).
I've replaced the thermostat in most of the cars I have had recently - in fact only a couple in the past 5 years haven't had one that I can think of.
Hey Fen,
Looks like my first job on the turbo thenmine seems to be pretty low on the temp guage when on motorway but warms up in traffic...
Dave K.
Hey All,
Has anyone ever tried to replace the thermostat ? I did a quick search yesterday and found some other posts to backup my initial thoughts (what a absolute pig of a job !). All day saturday I attempted to remove the thermostat with a pair of 90 degree internal circlip pliers. It is so difficult to reach and impossible to remove. Also with all the extra cooling pipes in the Turbo there isn't much room to move the pliers around in. So on Sunday I decided enough was enough, I had managed to replace the Turbo cooling thermostat and cleaned off all the limescale from around the water pump and sealing surfaces. Filled back up with coolant and decided to let someone else have the joy of removing it [8|]. I read in one post that Bert had mentioned punching a hole through the old thermostat and pulling it out ?
PS. My temperature usually reads around 60-70 degrees unless I'm in slow moving traffic or a queue where it will reach 80-90 (never gets any higher than this).
Dave K.