Just about got my head back together now. It was a very tiring but on the whole a very good day. The weather while we were at Towneley Hall was totally unexpected and according to Barry Smith absolutely nothing to do with us. He told us he had sacrificed his Sunday dinner chicken the night before[

]. It was a pity that the rain didn't hold off until we got back to Garstang. I remember writing that Blackpool Tower was visible on the horizon when we turned due west...yes right! What horizon?
I am sure that Glynn's photographs will be superb as he had the sunshine to show the cars and the Trough at their best.
I think everyone was surprised at how beautiful Towneley Park was and like ourselves just enjoyed the atmosphere. It was so nice to see picnic chairs and tables brought out and so many members just relaxing.
The Club's 356 (thank you to those who organised that) and an array of other cars which would have done justice to any major car show, members from as far afield as Aberdeen to the Isle of Sheppey, two Club Directors, an ex Chairman and our major sponsor all together. What more can we ask for ?
Thank you to everyone who came and supported the event. Hopefully Rosemere will be a little wealthier today because of your generosity (The amount raised will be posted as soon as we have word). Our thanks must go to our brilliant team of helpers from Region 18, Chris and Michelle Bailey, Tony and Elaine Bolton, Susan Smith, Janice Delaney, Barry Smith and Fred Hindle. However apart from our sponsors the greatest assistance came from our RO's, David and Judy Baker, without whom we would not have coped. If you had seen the four of us last Thursday evening crammed into our tiny front room with the contents of 85 "goody bags" spread around us you would know what a great help they were.
I hardly dare write this.....See you next year ?