First day off over the Christmas period, so I thought I'd crack on with a couple of jobs on the 944.
Sorted a small power steering fluid leak and then took the belt cover off to investigate a whine that seems a little loud to me coming from that area. It's a whine that rises and falls with engine revs - its not got any worse in the 6 months I've had the car but plays on my mind [].
Before I bought the car it had a full belt change along with the associated rollers. The previous owner did not get the water pump done at this time (bummer), so I suspected that this might be the cause of the noise. Using an improvised stethoscope the noise seems to be coming from the part below which sits just to the right of the water pump (it might even be part of the water pump?). Can anyone shed any light on what this part is, some sort of tensioner maybe?
I also discovered while under the car that there is a small water leak coming from what I suspect to be the water pump gasket (dripping down to the side of the power steering pump), oh the joys!
I forgot to take a vid of the noise, but will try and do this tomorrow - any advice in the mean-time is welcomed []
Sorted a small power steering fluid leak and then took the belt cover off to investigate a whine that seems a little loud to me coming from that area. It's a whine that rises and falls with engine revs - its not got any worse in the 6 months I've had the car but plays on my mind [].
Before I bought the car it had a full belt change along with the associated rollers. The previous owner did not get the water pump done at this time (bummer), so I suspected that this might be the cause of the noise. Using an improvised stethoscope the noise seems to be coming from the part below which sits just to the right of the water pump (it might even be part of the water pump?). Can anyone shed any light on what this part is, some sort of tensioner maybe?
I also discovered while under the car that there is a small water leak coming from what I suspect to be the water pump gasket (dripping down to the side of the power steering pump), oh the joys!
I forgot to take a vid of the noise, but will try and do this tomorrow - any advice in the mean-time is welcomed []