ORIGINAL: mik_ok
I fitted a Blitz chip to our S2 ~ I'm told this was the original basis for the ProMax map but don't know for sure.
It made a big difference to the car IMHO - I understand the Blitz mapping is identical to the std map below 3000rpm, but it really smoothed the step in power which previously occured around 4200rpm, and pulled noticably harder at the top end. My *rse dyno suggested the engine was certainly giving more ~ I never felt the need to verify this with a real dyno.
You do need to run the car on SUL to realise the benefits though.
Fitting wasn't difficult, but as others have suggested - it was time consuming to get to the ECU - mainly because I hadn't been there before. Splitting apart the PCBs within the ECU also had my brain cells burning, until I spotted the clips inside the face of the main connector block - at which point it became very easy indeed.
Original EEprom is a leaded item inserted into a chip carrier, so the blitz chip replaced this with minimal fuss, and I swapped over the labels for stealthiness. [8|] [8D]