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reality check

I'm with Paul. With the modern car market and mass-produced Porkers the days of Porsches holding their value is long gone. They will depreceiate like any other brand of similar car. They've lost their exclusivity and are starting to pander to marketing forces (becoming followers not leaders) and are leaning away from the enthusiasts car to the more mainstream car. Like Paul i'm excited to see what £15k will buy you in about 8 - 10yrs time. We should be thankfull of these people for bringing these cars to the market and taking the depreciation hit for us!!!

In anycase the vast majority of people who have £60k cars don't actually own them, they just have a big loan.

The Cayman is a lovely car no doubt about it - but it aint a £60k car. £60k is good 2nd hand GT3 money. Even with 50/50 weight distribution it's no contest i'm afraid.
What he said...!!

Well early Boxters are now under the £10k mark, so it is only a matter of time before the 'Crocs' follow suit[;)]

Well early Boxters are now under the £10k mark, so it is only a matter of time before the 'Crocs' follow suit[;)]

Errr, saw one the other day for £5k and no I probably wouldn't touch it with your barge pole, but interesting to note as that is what I paid for my 'S' 5 years ago which will be exactly 20yo on Monday.
interesting to note as that is what I paid for my 'S' 5 years ago which will be exactly 20yo on Monday.

happy Birthday ![:D]

I hope you are going to take her out somewhere special to mark the aniversary lol[;)]
ORIGINAL: Peter Empson

:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: Pah, that's nothing! I've just spent a virtual £67,542 specifying a Cayman on the Porsche website. Go on, give it a go and see if you can top that (I only did it quickly so there's bound to be a better combination out there).

P.S. Ollie's just saying that as he knows that he'll probably get what's left of my bank account once the bodyshop have finished [:)]

My 9 year old loves doing this. He can get a Cayman S up to £78116.00!
I'm sure people here have spent crazy amounts of money on their Porsche. I know I've spent silly money on it which I'll never get back but it's not all about the dosh.
As they say, They print more money every day but they aren't making any more 944s.
I've got to drive from Dublin to Clare later on so I can't wait. Although with the weather we had recently I might need to whack a few oak trees off the ragtop to make sure it can stand a shunt.
It's an interesting one ... the way that other people spend their money never ceases to fascinate me. That much on a Cayman is a lot, but if he is planning to keep it for a long while then it will look fairly reasonable in £/year. Mind you, it has always struck me that buying new cars' is a mugs game as they depreciate so quickly in the first few years, and I don't think I will ever be doing that.

I drive a 944 mainly because it offers huge enjoyment for very little money. In terms of value, it's unbettered. Although I do sometimes think that some of the turbo boys are spending quite a lot on their 951's ...

Well i've probably spent about £15k on mine in total including the purchase price and repairs and maintenance to date and i'm in my 5th year of ownership. When I look at what esle I could get for that money there isn't alot to tempt me away. I reckon i've got another £5 - £6 k to spend on it to get it just how I want it, but then again i'm planning on keeping it. I've said this before, but a car to most people is a form of transport. Mine is a hobby also. Diving used to cost me about £3k per year by the time you costed in a diving holiday and 6 or 7 weekend dive trips plus those new bits of kit you just had to have. I loved diving but the costs are comparable to owning and modifying a 951 and I get to drive my 951 every day, but when the little nipper came something had to give, so it was bye bye snorkel and fins (not flippers, don't ever say the word flippers to a diver, not if you want to live to tell the tale!!).


It's All Relative..........
I spent £2K on a Guitar (nearly 10 years ago)....Which I still Have and Use Everyday!..Which what my 24s cost me 5Mths ago......
Would I spend 2K on a Guitar Now...Of Course I would! + Tax 24/7...!
OOh ..I'm just Jealous!

Similar for me, I bought a Gibson 335 brand new for 1100 quid when I was only earning 10 grand a year as student on a bursary (industry funded PhD). Sounds mad to spend 1/10 of a years earnings in one go but as I am sure you have noticed expensive guitars hold their value incredibly well. My Gibson today would cost about 1600 to buy new and a top condition one 10+ years old is going up in value. They get better with age.

This isn't the case with cars hence why I understand Peanuts point. As a consumer item only electronics is a worse way to blow lots of money in depreciation then cars (even expensive couture dresses are collector items apparently).
Hmmmm £57k.
My 944 cost £42k in 1989,
£23k in 1994
£13k in 2009
£6k in 2003
Reams of Servicing Cost
plus I spent £[:(]k on making it go like it should
Not all incremental, but I reckon its more than £57k

Fortunately when the first owner bought my 944 new, i bought a house[8|] (cost slightly less than the 944T) and - of all that my car cost in its lifetime, I paid the least. [:)]
Over 20 years ago when a poor Student, I happened to be looking in the local guitar shop (end of 2nd year before IT year) and this chap came in with a Les Paul shaped case, opened it on the counter to reveal my ultimate dream guitar- Cherry Sunburst Gibson Les Paul custom. The guitar felt great and had a fantastic "creamy smooth sustain" even unplugged. They were much cheaper then in the 1980's, I bought it for £300 despite making me broke temporarily. Strangely, I can't seem to find them for the same money now.
ORIGINAL: pauljmcnulty

. Quite a few people have failed to understand the fact that we've spent over £4k on our two dogs this year, when we could have had them put down and bought new puppies for far less. Personally I'd have sold the car without a thought if it was the only way to pay the vet.....and I'd put some of my "friends" down before the dogs!

sorry to hear that Paul hope the dogs are ok now.

I feel exactly the same about my cats although my gardening fanatic neighbours would like to strangle them I suspect.
Never having been fortunate enough to have children I suppose they are my substitute kids lol but I would sell everything including my S2 without a moments thought .

Although my comments were tongue- in-cheek it does concern me how selfish we all are sometimes. It never occurred to me how difficult it must be to keep body and soul together for disabled peeps who cannot work. Since becoming partially disabled myself 2 years ago I am now accutley aware of it every day
Never thought about people with disabilities before it happened to me.



What this Thread Shows ...we are All Insane with very little Concept of Money!

Your not joking. My 335 is currently at the 'local' lutheirs getting a service that costs more then a pretty decent new guitar (fingerboard reshaped to compound radius, refret, renovate chrome hardware, Buzz Feiten tuning system). I can't wait to get her back though and yes it will be worth every penny.

BTW I bought her a little brother today. A Taylor baby acoustic. Its a sort of travel guitar, stunningly nice wee guitar with lovely sounds for only 200 quid (for a Taylor! ). Stunning how much you can get for your money these days. I remember when a decent valve amp was a months wages now they are less then 500 quid. This is now my living room guitar, I haven't got one yet for the down stairs bathroom ;)

ORIGINAL: peanut

Never having been fortunate enough to have children I suppose they are my substitute kids lol but I would sell everything including my S2 without a moments thought .

You wouldn't say that if you had a 17yr old. Much better to do some sort of activity like scouts leader or something. That way you only have to put up with them for a couple of hours a week.
ORIGINAL: Neil Haughey

ORIGINAL: peanut

Never having been fortunate enough to have children I suppose they are my substitute kids lol but I would sell everything including my S2 without a moments thought .

You wouldn't say that if you had a 17yr old. Much better to do some sort of activity like scouts leader or something. That way you only have to put up with them for a couple of hours a week.


maybe the only smart thing I ever did lol
My stepson was 29 by the time he finaly grew up and left home lol

Without Turning this into a guitar thread...I have 17 guitars ..mostly 80's Charvel Kramers etc..and a Couple of Acoustic..(the Obligatory Gibson J200..and a Yamaha CJ12)......but I have Bought and Sold twice that amount again over Time..Maybe I should have just waited and bought a £57K car?

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