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Rear spoiler controller actual position in car.

Glad its working now, as that fix saved a few $$ . Interesting your relay is under the seat as mine is in the passenger foot well, perhaps in a C4 they move it to the seat.

Can you post the details of the relay advert on ebay Germany as I might just buy a relay as a spare ;-)

I only found 1 relay on sale there. I originally did a google search for the part number V23072 A1059 A203 and found quite a few on sale in the States and asked for a quote for a couple but didn't get any replies and couldn't see any photos of the relay. Earthtron was one company. With more time you could hopefully source one. They seemed cheaper over there about 12 dollars, as opposed to what I paid from Germany (35 euros plus 10 euros postage),but at least I saw a photo of the relay to know it would fit! Saw a couple of notes to say they wouldn't be available after 2019. Later cars had the controller in the footwell, together with a relay in the front fuse box I think. At least yours would be easier to get at there!

ok thanks for that and interesting

Quick google indicates you can apparently use a V23072-C1061-A303 and this relay is enclosed as the old one is now pretty much obsolete and not on ebay etc any longer ( i can see one was sold on ebay in Germany, your one ? ) .

Ive just order a few (V23072-C1061-A303) as spares off ebay as there only a few pounds for the Siemens made ones. As one day i might have a spoiler relay issue ;-)


Well done.

I think it was a rip off price you had to pay and the postage was high too.

These relays are pretty standard fare and millions are made each year for automotive uses. When I get time I'll have a look at mine and see if I can change the speed settings. No promises as I have too much on at the moment.

I have 2 ways of buying stuff abroad.

Halifax credit card which gives market rates of exchange and not the tourist rate often quoted or Paypal/Post Office rates which are always higher.

There is no extra charge for buying in foreign currency either, something that many CC do. Then as soon as it's registered on my online statement I pay the full amount outstanding otherwise I'll incur a daily charge (as a percentage) until the bill is paid at the end of the month.

I use the same ploy when travelling abroad only I'll stuff a grand in and draw it down as cash in whatever country I'm in. As long as I'm in credit there's no charge.

If I can't use a CC I'll do it through

whose charges are much cheaper than banks.

Yes Ian there were 1 or 2 others which may have been ok to use but I couldn't see the pins on the bottom that are soldered on to the controller, otherwise I would have bought one of them! When you get them post up on here and take a photo of the pins and I will compare to the old one I still have. PS. If the ones you ordered were £4.40 plus 99p postage and show the contacts ringed in red (on eBay) then the contact pins look to be the same as the original relay and should fit great! In answer to Dekker. It wasn't a company that I was buying it from, it was an individual, and yes it was expensive but it was the only one I knew would fit exactly on the controller PCB!

RS components are a good site with large selection of relays etc. They supply details of exact pin layout and measurements should you ever need to find some others.

Picture of the relay that is comparable to the original relay in the spoiler control module . This relay is "enclosed" ( & used in many auto electronics, BMW window controls etc ) compared to the original "open relay" used in the Porsche 964 Spoiler controller. This open relay is no longer available as far as I can see, unless you find some old stock.

I purchased these three for £11.94 +P&P from ebay in Germany . I did notice there are some unbranded relay versions out there but I went for the Siemens version as the great expense of £11.94 for 3 ;-) .

I will be keeping these in stock for the classic spoiler issue arising in the future .


I wouldn't worry Bri. You have solved the issue yourself for relatively little cost. The fact that now it would appear that you can obtain a relay a little cheaper is no no big deal. Your research and sharing with others has expanded the knowledge base on this topic. Top man 😉👍

I was just messing around looking on eBay for these open relays V23072 A1059 A203 and found some listed in Poland for around £2 each plus postage, so have sent for 2. Total will be around £8!! Wish I could have found them earlier and saved a few bob! Anyway I will have these as spares I case the down relay goes wrong.

polar964 said:
I wouldn't worry Bri. You have solved the issue yourself for relatively little cost. The fact that now it would appear that you can obtain a relay a little cheaper is no no big deal. Your research and sharing with others has expanded the knowledge base on this topic. Top man 😉👍
Well said


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