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Region 8's future

As an R8 member who has watched this thread with interest, here is my point of view:

I shall forgo platitudes and trying not to step on people's toes and try to deal with what I see as the facts of the matter.

It is up to us R8 members to decide how we proceed. Do we continue to have Phil in a purely administrative role or do we put forward somebody else to take over? Phil has acknowledged he does not have the time to fulfil the role in the manner required.

Whilst an R/O can berate the membership for lack of enthusiasm it has to be a two-way affair. An R/O has to be an energiser and a motivator, a person who attends meetings, makes events happen and makes sure we are regularly included in PP.

If as R8 members we can find a new R/O that we believe has the time and commitment to perform the role then I think we should put that person forward. If the board wish to reject that person then they need to give a valid reason acceptable to us. It is after all, our region. We pay the membership fees that fund the club.

Here here.

How do we agree who to put forward - what is the process?

If it is a simple nomination then I nominate Helen (who I believe has said a number of times in this thread that she would actually like to take on the role).

Anybody else want to put themselves forward....?

Phil can you confirm the process that must be adopted, if there is one, please.

i think the key here is that it is and should be the members decission. Randolph has come up with the best suggestion so far which is that we discuss and vote on the way forward at the next regional meeting which is Monday Oct 3rd. from 7.30pm Coopers Arms,Weston-on-Trent.

this needs sorting out sooner rather than later.

This will only work if Phil comes to the meeting.


If not then you need to suggest an alternative to answer the questions raised in this thread.

Hi everyone -

I second the nomination of Helen.

Other nominations can of course be made and lets have a vote on 3 October.

Happy motoring - Randolph Coward
Hello all,

I have dazzling work commitments at the moment I will be present on the R8 meeting on the 3rd to help cast the vote for a constructive, enthousiastic future for our region.

I have not shown my nose often as most weekdays I start work at 6.30 AM and finish..... when it is done (11PM?).

So, if the forum only represents 30% of our region members, I think we should make an effort to get things back on track.

A few moons ago, whilst at Nottingham Uni, I went to my first r8 meeting with my humble 924. I felt very welcome, there were a nice bunch of people present who genuinly care about the marque and all Porsche represents. Overall the balance tipped in the positive direction so I remain confident that with a bit of effort, give and take, and negociations on "difficult points" that this region can and should achieve the potential it carries.

Belgian Bert
ORIGINAL: Bertroex

Hello all,

A few moons ago, whilst at Nottingham Uni, I went to my first r8 meeting with my humble 924. I felt very welcome, there were a nice bunch of people present who genuinly care about the marque and all Porsche represents.

Belgian Bert

Wow, so im not the only one [:)]

Hi to all R8 members.

I have been reading with interest the Forum threads on the topic of electing a new R.O to take custody of R8 and to develop the Region going forward.

I would firstly like to state for the record that Phil Mansfield has done a very good job, but like many of us has found life's pressures of work and lack of available time has compromised him and therefore it has been difficult for him to meet the many needs of the Regions membership. We must embrace all those volunteers who give of their time and give of their effort with no thought of reward and with mainly little thanks. We cannot "flog the willing" nor should we.

I thank Phil on behalf of R8 and wholeheartedly understand his reasons.
Clearly there is a need to look forward and as such I wholly support the democratic process of the R8 membership deciding who their next R.O should be.

I would however include some caveats into that statement.

"Whoever is elected to the role/post of R.O will be expected to progress the formation of a committee to both support and share the load and to bring a democratic viewpoint to the Regions progress. I need to stress this is my strong wish, as to have no structure leaves weakness and risk that will evolve into dormancy should the R.O step-down. Let's not create that from here. Let's accept that we need to build on strength of foundation for the long term future of both each Region and the Club as a whole".

Helen has indicated her willingness to take custody of the role, and she has even indicated the manifesto by which the role should develop.

These are all good positive indicators and measures that can and should be taken to raise the R8 "Bar"

There appears to be some "safe hands" in R8 too, with strong supporters like Robin and Randolph who will I am sure support the new R.O going forward. We should thanks these members for their enthusiastic support and voluntary service and would advocate they form part of that committee to bring skills and knowledge to the group.

From this R8 will develop, and go forward molding itself to the needs of the Region and evolve into a first rate advocate of PCGB.

If we are going to move this, then lets all collectively support the reasons why we need to move it accepting where it has come from. It takes members to create strength within our Regions, these form the very fabric of our Club and the strength of character that we all look for within our Regions.

In this instance the Region is yours. Care for it, look after it and steer it, and with the right leadership it will reap the rewards you deserve.

(God that reads like a party political broadcast - I am off to lie down, I think I may have overdone it!)

Seriously; enjoy this process, it is after all "progress!"

Bob Lovelace
Regional Director

Hi Guys and Gals

I am back online! I look forward to the meeting on 3rd October that I will definately be in attendance. It is my intention to officially hand over the reigns to Helen (should this be the intention of the majority of members), but also want to say that this is YOUR Region and as part of the "handover", I welcome everyones comments, ideas and suggestions of what you want from YOUR Region and YOUR Club.

Let us embrace the successes (and dare I say failures?) of the last 14 months and learn from them. As I mentioned before in this thread, if there is anything that you would like discussing, please let me know so it can be put on the agenda. The whole meeting will be minuted and relayed on here and emailed to members that I have email addresses for.

Warmest regards


Lets not make assumptions before hand that Helen will be voted-in. I strongly believe that will be the case, but I would also strongly advise that a democratic vote is made by those in attendance for their preferred choice. Hold your meeting, discuss the way forward, choose your new R.O and let all those who intend to go to the meet have their say/vote to determine the majority decision. Once this is done, choose the committee and determine who will take responsibility for ares (Helen's manifesto seems a good place to start) required.
It would be unfair to pre-determine the outcome before hand, and I am sure Helen will agree with me on this.
Bob Lovelace
I had missed off this bit earlier:

(should this be the intention of the majority of members)

ORIGINAL: Bob Lovelace

Lets not make assumptions before hand that Helen will be voted-in. I strongly believe that will be the case, but I would also strongly advise that a democratic vote is made by those in attendance for their preferred choice. Hold your meeting, discuss the way forward, choose your new R.O and let all those who intend to go to the meet have their say/vote to determine the majority decision. Once this is done, choose the committee and determine who will take responsibility for ares (Helen's manifesto seems a good place to start) required.
It would be unfair to pre-determine the outcome before hand, and I am sure Helen will agree with me on this.
Bob Lovelace
agree 100% Bob. this should be a democratic decission. last time i was R/O of this region i very much ran it on my own and in my opinion this was a mistake as i ended up running around trying to do everything and just succeded in wearing myself out. i hope the members will not let this happen again as Phil has shown that a democtaticly run region (i hate the word committe and refuse to use it) with a strong leader works alot more effectively
[quote agree 100% Bob. this should be a democratic decission. last time i was R/O of this region i very much ran it on my own and in my opinion this was a mistake as i ended up running around trying to do everything and just succeded in wearing myself out. i hope the members will not let this happen again as Phil has shown that a democtaticly run region (i hate the word committe and refuse to use it) with a strong leader works alot more effectively]

Agreed but Committee is the correct description

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