ORIGINAL: colin129
Only one thing, for now, please can we have a column in PP EVERY month, almost all the other registers can mange it and if we are the largest it looks really bad if we don't have a monthly presence.
And you can't use the old chestnut about 'contributions from members' it doesn't wash with me. If other members had the time to do that, then they would have volanteered for the job of RS already. The fact that you have taken on the challenge means you should accept all the responsibilities, and I applaud you for taking it on.
I do something for another organisation, which is often a pain in the a**e, but someones got to do it and I volanteered so I do it properly to the best of my ability.
Congratulations and good luck.
Hi Colin,
Yep, there should be a column every month, possibly not next month as the deadline has long passed.
I'm happy to write something every time, and with events, news etc. 450 words runs out very quickly, but just how much of me do you want?? I think the reason people ask for contributions from the membership is to get a bit of variety in there. With nearly 1400 cars on the register, I reckon twelve of you have an interesting story, idea or question that I can turn into a column. That would cover the year without me wittering on about myself or my car!