This is taken from the Rennteam site on a poll taken there for oil consumption. I guess I either drive too aggressively (which isn't really the case) or I have a problem as I am on about 1.000 ml per mile!
For those who probably don't drive their cars especially hard, the mean oil consumption is 0.273 ml per mile (or 0.171 ml per km). The standard deviation is 0.119 ml per mile (or 0.074 ml per km). To be roughly 95% confident that your car's oil consumption is normal, based upon the 17 responses, it should be between 0 and 0.511 ml per mile (or between 0 and 0.319 ml per km). Again, this is a crude number and the sample size is small, but it seems to make sense.
For those who apparently drive their cars more aggressively (a sample size of only 5), the mean oil consumption is 0.73 ml per mile (or 0.456 ml per km), with a standard deviation of 0.12 ml per mile (or 0.075 ml per km). To be roughly 95% confident that your car's oil consumption is normal for an aggressive driver, it should be between 0 and 0.97 ml per mile (or between 0 and 0.606 ml per km).