Glad that there seems to be some offer of compensation for you, and that indicates a softening of their position and the acceptance that they are indeed at fault (get the offer in writing, as this is written confirmation of their acceptance of fault).
Like I said before, I am no lawyer, but it really centres around how much of a necessity for your enjoyment of the car the originally specced seats are, and compensation should reflect this.
However, if this is down to a genuine error on behalf of the salesman, i.e. the seats you ordered were never acceptable in the first place, then in my mind the OPC should share some of the compensation.
I would therefore ask for the offer of compensation + cost of seats in writing and let them know you will consider their offer.
I would then perhaps suggest that if the OPC were to also make an offer of compensation in addition to that gesture from Porsche GB, that might be a reasonable outocome. It seems to me that the design of the seats you ordered were an intrinsic and important part of the spec of your car and you will suffer a hardship over time should these not be forthcoming. I'm not sure if there are grounds to reject the car (again Trading Standards are good at this) so if you think seat cost refund +compensation is acceptable, then perhaps it may be worth considering.
Good luck. Personally, I would push them for a bit more on top, or maybe even an agreement for first yearly service inc parts/labour FOC.