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Hidden costs of driving in France on the running-in trip
I thought that my input on this string was at an end, but find I need to post one final flourish.
It’s some 2 weeks after getting back to the UK. However, we have started to receive unwelcome post in the last couple of days from the French Republic…….
Given this was a running-in trip we obviously were not going over 4K revs some 95 mph in top speed.
However, it seems the Macron government have targeted the Brits as good earners and so lots more cameras about (not identified in advance as was the norm in the past) especially on the quieter roads and in the slower speed areas of 80 KPH, we much prefer to use. All the paperwork in beautiful English….no French anywhere.
This is the first time either of us, have been caught out in France. Our combined experience will amount to over 40 years experience of French roads. So beware for Le Mans this year. Macron [the little Napoleon] is on a mission……
The current score is Ferrari 5, Porsche 2 on speeding tickets which is rather strange as most of the time the 360, was following the GTS and we did use the speed limit advice as shown on the drivers info screen. Anyway scores on the doors are:
1 x exceeding 70 KPH
4 x exceeding 80 KPH
2 x exceeding 110KPH
Euro 45 fine, for the 70 and 80 KPH excesses, and Euro 90 fine for the 110 KPH, being the amounts levied, if paid within 46 days. Clocking up a total to date, of Euro 450.
I thought that my input on this string was at an end, but find I need to post one final flourish.
It’s some 2 weeks after getting back to the UK. However, we have started to receive unwelcome post in the last couple of days from the French Republic…….
Given this was a running-in trip we obviously were not going over 4K revs some 95 mph in top speed.
However, it seems the Macron government have targeted the Brits as good earners and so lots more cameras about (not identified in advance as was the norm in the past) especially on the quieter roads and in the slower speed areas of 80 KPH, we much prefer to use. All the paperwork in beautiful English….no French anywhere.
This is the first time either of us, have been caught out in France. Our combined experience will amount to over 40 years experience of French roads. So beware for Le Mans this year. Macron [the little Napoleon] is on a mission……
The current score is Ferrari 5, Porsche 2 on speeding tickets which is rather strange as most of the time the 360, was following the GTS and we did use the speed limit advice as shown on the drivers info screen. Anyway scores on the doors are:
1 x exceeding 70 KPH
4 x exceeding 80 KPH
2 x exceeding 110KPH
Euro 45 fine, for the 70 and 80 KPH excesses, and Euro 90 fine for the 110 KPH, being the amounts levied, if paid within 46 days. Clocking up a total to date, of Euro 450.