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I have been told that certainly in USA car thieves of high end vehicles have used the home button to locate the owners home and not only do they get the car but burgle the owners house.

I am reprogramming my home button to our local Police Station which isn't far away!!
I thought of that too but then all they would need to do is either look at the 'most frequent' destinations, or look in the glove box at my insurance cover note to see my home address. So I thought why bother, just try to make sure I don't leave the door keys in the car too!
I log "Home" as a nearby town on the basis that once I get there, I should be able to find my way home. That's the beauty of living in the far West - only one way in and out! [;)]

having had the 7 or 8 digit upgrade i was feeling mighty pleased that i could now key in full UK postcodes however i seem to have noticed a bit of a problem and i wonder if we have been hoodwinked!

Satnav in my other cars takes me to the door of any postcode i put in (give or take a few yards) but i've noticed that when i have keyed in full digits in the new and improved Porsche nav - which i don't do every week- that on each occassion i'm a few streets away from where i want to end up . It has only just dawned on me - perhaps the last digits are blank key entry fields and we are still only being navigated on 5 digit!!!!!!!!!!

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