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Star Gazing Drive and Dinner Saturday 26 November 2022


PCGB Member
Dear R3 members, we are planning a return to Kielder dark skies park again this year. We plan to meet at either Hexham Services at 5pm or our dinner location (still to be confirmed) at 6pm (or you can meet us after 7:30 - 8:00pm) - its your choice.

To gauge interest in dinner please reply to this post by Monday 14 November confirming if you want to join us for dinner to allow us to book.

After dinner we will drive up to Kielder Water, hopefully to see a full starlit sky, and if we are really lucky maybe even the Northern lights.

Hope to see you there, please note that "winter" rides are OK for this run.

Regards - Philip & Jacquie

Philip, Jacquie,

We are up for this; can you reserve two places for dinner please.

Gary and Michelle

Hi Philip/Jacquie

Hazel and I are interested in the drive, dinner and stargazing .



Dinner is now fully booked and will be in the Battlesteads Hotel, Wark, NE48 3LS.

Places have been reserved for:

Jacquie & Philip

Gary & Michelle

Deb & Greg

Gordon & Chris

Mike F

John & Gllian

Raj & Sam


Geoff & Hazel

Jim & Abigail

Meals will have to be pre-ordered and menus will be sent out via email in the next couple of days once we receive them from the hotel. Your meal choices must be submitted no later than Monday 14 November.

Please also note that a failure to submit your meal choice on time will result in your table reservation being cancelled, and you taking your chances on the day to get a dining seat. Additionally, once your meal choices are submitted you will be liable for any cancellation charges with the restaurant (essentially the full meal cost).

Kind regards - Philip & Jacquie

Hi Philip & Jacquie,

Can we be first reserves for dinner plkease?

Charles & Sue

Murphy and I will come out to see the stars, the restaurant is full so we will meet you after, can you lets me know where and when please.

Jonza27 said:
Murphy and I will come out to see the stars, the restaurant is full so we will meet you after, can you lets me know where and when please.
Hi Jonahan You are welcome to meet us at the hotel around 7.30-8pm and join us for the run. Details of the car park etc will be available closer to the time.

Kind regards

Philip & Jacquie

We have now received the menus from the hotel and these have been emailed today to those who have reserved a place.

Please note your booking is not confirmed until we receive your food choices.

Kind regards - Jacquie & Philip

Hi Philip, Jacquie,

I've managed to get a table for 2 at 6.30pm so, although we won't be eating with you (!) would it be OK to join in and drive to the restaurant with you? We'll eat and be ready to leave with you (hopefully) to Kielder.

That OK?

Paul and Wendy.

Rubber_Duck said:
Dear R3 members, we are planning a return to Kielder dark skies park again this year. We plan to meet at either Hexham Services at 5pm or our dinner location (still to be confirmed) at 6pm (or you can meet us after 7:30 - 8:00pm) - its your choice.

To gauge interest in dinner please reply to this post by Monday 14 November confirming if you want to join us for dinner to allow us to book.

After dinner we will drive up to Kielder Water, hopefully to see a full starlit sky, and if we are really lucky maybe even the Northern lights.

Hope to see you there, please note that "winter" rides are OK for this run.

Regards - Philip & Jacquie
paulgabbitus said:
Hi Philip, Jacquie,

I've managed to get a table for 2 at 6.30pm so, although we won't be eating with you (!) would it be OK to join in and drive to the restaurant with you? We'll eat and be ready to leave with you (hopefully) to Kielder.

That OK?

Paul and Wendy.
Hi Paul

Glad you got a table booked, and of course you're welcome to join the run to the restaurant and the run to Keilder.

Kind regards and see you on Saturday. - Jacquie & Philip

Thanks again Philip & Jacquie for organising last night, unfortunately the weather didn't play ball this year. However Deb & I enjoyed a lovely meal in great company at the Battlesteads, will definitely be going there again. Sorry we lost you, when you turned around at Tower Knowe, we headed on a couple of miles to Leaplish grabbed a quick takeaway latte and headed back along by which time everyone had already dispersed. Still had a lovely bimble back with a nice hot coffee so not all bad, fingers crossed everyone missed that big bit of timber in the road on the return journey.

Well said Greg and Debs, I totally agree with all you said thanks Philip and Jackie. I did just catch the edge of the timber but no damage as far as I can see at the moment, good job we've got big chunky cars like yours to squash it down for us. See you all soon Jim and Abigail


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