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Star Gazing Drive and Dinner Saturday 26 November 2022

Many thanks to Philip and Jacquie yet again for an entertaining and fun event. A night drive is so rare; loved it and enjoyed the different vibe of the night.

Apart from the stressed out staff, the food was good and seeing all the Porsche lights tracking ahead as we set out for Tower Knowe, impressive.

Shame things didn't work out weather wise but it was still a delight being out and about with other like minded souls - great fun.

Had a fab run back too despite the increasing wet - brilliant.

I'm left again feeling that the Porsche is such a capable car - it coped amazingly with the conditions and temperatures - aren't MPSS meant to be summer tyres šŸ˜„ well they performed surprisingly well.

Another memorable event - loved it and thanks all.

Good to see everyone last night and thanks for joining us despite the gloomy weather for stargazing - food and company first class though.

Had an exciting drive back, missed the tree debris but coming out of Wark must have caught some wet leaves or diesel (or ran out of talent most likely :ROFLMAO:, or maybe the car caught on that I'd bern looking at M5s) as I got a load of understeer followed by a dose of over steer... wall, car and underwear all survived unscathed! Funny thing though, the "disposable" rear break cooling air ducts that don't normally survive the rain remained intact.

Look forward to our next adventure with everyone - best regards Philip & Jacquie

Gillian and I enjoyed both food and company at last night's event, the first we've managed to attend for a little while, diaries having been at loggerheads. Battlesteads, a great choice of venue, appears to have been extended since we were last there.

Shame about the cloud cover, but it meant we managed to reach home on dry roads as we were ahead of the weather front (911 Turbo clearly faster than the wind!)

Thanks again Jacquie and Philip.

Hoping to see everyone again soon.

Drive safe

John & Gillian

Yes, thanks Philip & Jacquie for yet another very enjoyable event. Great to catch up with folk, and meet Geoff and Hazel, even if we didn't achieve the original aim!

Seemed further going home (well, it was a bit as we came by Stanhope and went back by Toft Hill). 136 mile round trip - wonder how many miles Charles & Sue did?!

Thanks very much to Philip and Jacquie for another excellent time even though the weather didn't play ball, nor did the parking attendant (thought he was playing soldiers[:)])

Interesting drive back in a non-turbo:ROFLMAO:

Looking forward to our next excursion, hope its less than the 219 mile round trip.

Charles & Sue

Thanks Philip & Jacquie for another enjoyable outing. Shame about the weather but the meal easily made up for it. Great catch up with everybody.

Gary and Michelle


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