So, 700 miles into ownership, the inevitable has happened - I've picked up a big stone chip right in the middle of the bonnet. Oh well. It was always going to happen I suppose.
However, this leads me to ask - what is the best way to deal with this? Just down the road in Peterborough I have Paintshield ( who for £1000+VAT will wrap the bonnet, wings and front bumper in their 3M-beating self-healing stone chip protection, warranted for four years.
How does this compare to simply getting the bumper/bonnet etc repainted every X years?
Has anyone used Paintshield or similar - what are you thoughts re. VFM?
However, this leads me to ask - what is the best way to deal with this? Just down the road in Peterborough I have Paintshield ( who for £1000+VAT will wrap the bonnet, wings and front bumper in their 3M-beating self-healing stone chip protection, warranted for four years.
How does this compare to simply getting the bumper/bonnet etc repainted every X years?
Has anyone used Paintshield or similar - what are you thoughts re. VFM?