After the kind offer from the Exeter OPC to welcome us on the 16th, It's been decide to meet up for about 2pm at the OPC;
Exeter OPC
Matford Park Road
Matford Business Park,
Marsh Barton Trading Estate,
They have offered us free tea and coffee, a free check of your cars lighting system and a free level check
Also available is something that many threads have mentioned.... Nitrogen filled tyres[8D] they are offering this at half price (its usually £20)
Its worth noting that Yes you can get it done cheaper but this is being done by experts in Porsche and they actually do two fills in order to remove as much existing air from your tyres. So a much better service and one I will be happily accepting[
From there we have a route that takes us via the Shell fuel stations onto the nice route to the evenings hotel.
We plan to eat at a local recommended pub to save having to eat from the same menu for two nights running...
Obviously we accept that not everyone can make the daytime and some may have to arrive late on the night, so if you could let me know your plans it would be appreciated.
I will be leaving the midlands for about 11 in the morning prior to heading down the M5 if anyone wants to meet up enroute..
Junction 8 approx 11.45am - services
Junction 19 approx 12.30am - services
Exeter OPC
Matford Park Road
Matford Business Park,
Marsh Barton Trading Estate,
They have offered us free tea and coffee, a free check of your cars lighting system and a free level check
Also available is something that many threads have mentioned.... Nitrogen filled tyres[8D] they are offering this at half price (its usually £20)
Its worth noting that Yes you can get it done cheaper but this is being done by experts in Porsche and they actually do two fills in order to remove as much existing air from your tyres. So a much better service and one I will be happily accepting[
From there we have a route that takes us via the Shell fuel stations onto the nice route to the evenings hotel.
We plan to eat at a local recommended pub to save having to eat from the same menu for two nights running...
Obviously we accept that not everyone can make the daytime and some may have to arrive late on the night, so if you could let me know your plans it would be appreciated.
I will be leaving the midlands for about 11 in the morning prior to heading down the M5 if anyone wants to meet up enroute..
Junction 8 approx 11.45am - services
Junction 19 approx 12.30am - services