dawn lang
Ex Club Member
It never ceases to amaze me that people buy a brand new car & then moan about depreciation.
There are only 2 ways of avoiding big depreciation:-
1) Buy used & preferably rare(ish)
2) If you must have brand new, buy something that is only going to be made in fairly limited numbers & don't go mad on the options.
I've never bought a new boxster in my life. On my second one now. I've bought both boxsters at 18 months old when they've done their initial 'left the forecourt' depreciating. I've bought them both privately too.
I've not been unduly worried about buying privately - I do my homework. I know that at the point of buying i've got 6 months left of Porsche warranty so that's not too much of a worry as i'll simply renew the warranty when it runs out. I've always phoned the OPC the car has been bought from/serviced with and checked it over thoroughly with them to make sure it's not suffered from any major mechanical failures or missed a service date. It's also worth looking at what options will help to sell your car later on. A 2.7 with climate will always sell better than a 2.7 without and buying a boxster new, speccing it up to the eyeballs will not help one iota when it comes to trade in at an OPC. They tell you it's worth it when you're paying for it new but tell you they're worthless when you come to trade in - seen it happen to lots of people but surely this is the same for any car make! Apologies if it sounds like i'm teaching you hardened box owners to suck eggs [
Back to buying. I have the car inspected by an OPC prior to handing over the cash. I happen to be one of the few who really likes the chaps at my local OPC and they've always looked after me really well. I trust that they're not having me on and to their credit, when I didn't bother renewing the warranty on my old boxster they always tried to get work like the RMS (on the old car - the S hasn't suffered with this at all) done on goodwill - and they succeeded![
As a consequence, I can claim to be on of the ones who has bought and sold a Porsche and lost relatively bu99er all! I had the 2.7 for 2 years, did 20,000 miles and sold it for £1,800.00 less than I bought it for!
Now I shall take a bow - leave you spitting chips - and depart!