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Is it some form of inverted snobbery
No, John. It's simply using terms that are generally understood instead of the technically correct ones. Sometimes, it's more important to get a point across to someone less knowledgeable than others, without them getting the impression that you can only be part of the community if you spend years learning all the terminology.
Series one and series two 944 is a perfect example. Why do we call them oval-dash and square-dash cars? Because it's blindingly obvious to anyone which version you mean. Calling a Lux (even that term's wrong, of course) a 1985.5 car leads to misunderstanding, and calling it a Series 2 means that some mistake it for an S2. Call it an oval-dash and the poster gets the right answer.
You could argue it's lazy to perpetuate the incorrect terms, but it's also wrong to put people off by being too pedantic. There's no perfect name for the 924/44/68/28 group, so Transaxle works pretty well for me even if it's wrong!
The only alternative I can think of is "Front-engined middle-years classic Porsches", which is too much of a mouthful for me. []