ORIGINAL: Lowtimer I'm sure Barry will comment if he sees this thread but he's said elsewhere that his objective with that car was simply to produce a super-responsive everyday road car which eliminated the bottom-end langour of the standard car, and put all the action in the most easily-accessed parts of the rev range. With that in mind he used as much standard 250 Turbo stuff as possible on the front and back of the 8v 3.0 engine. So it's standard AFM, standard intercooler, standard wastegate, standard exhaust. Plenty of factors there which holding back the top end, but top end wasn't the point of that particular experiment. As he says, even with the power dropping back to 250 bhp at 6,000 rpm in top, you've got there massively quicker than with the standard car, and why do you need a top speed higher than 160 mph on the road anyway? His next one is due to be the serious BHP machine: 16 valve, variable everything, much more of a top-end motor (and undoubtedly much more complex and expensive to produce). If you want to read Barry's account of the current 3.0 Turbo have a look here: http://www.pistonheads.com/GASSING/topic.asp?h=0&f=48&t=766383