I've been thinking of a 944 for a long time, and I think it's about time I did something about it. I've had a couple of XJS's before so I know what to expect from an 80s car, but I'd really like to understand a few things before I take the plunge.
1. What is the best version? I want speed, but I also don't want to spend forever fixing the thing. Should I go for the Turbo S or the S2?
2. What sort of mileage can the engines do before they need a rebuild?
3. How much should I pay for a very good 944? I know from bitter experience that it's often a case of the more the better.
4. Are there any good buyers guides out there? Or do you have any tips?
I'm looking to buy in the next three weeks. If I could get something for under 5k I'd be very happy.
I've been thinking of a 944 for a long time, and I think it's about time I did something about it. I've had a couple of XJS's before so I know what to expect from an 80s car, but I'd really like to understand a few things before I take the plunge.
1. What is the best version? I want speed, but I also don't want to spend forever fixing the thing. Should I go for the Turbo S or the S2?
2. What sort of mileage can the engines do before they need a rebuild?
3. How much should I pay for a very good 944? I know from bitter experience that it's often a case of the more the better.
4. Are there any good buyers guides out there? Or do you have any tips?
I'm looking to buy in the next three weeks. If I could get something for under 5k I'd be very happy.