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Tips on 991GTS Insurance Cover


PCGB Member
Hi All

just got my insurance renewal through with Adrian Flux and gone from £550 to over £900 with no change in risk. I've got quotes from Admiral and Hastings through a comparison site at nearer the £500 mark with a £750 excess and a tracker which seems a little more reasonable but slightly worried about trusting my 911 with a mainstream insurer who may not allow any repairs through a OPC.

i tried Lockton last year, nice guys and very comprehensive list of questions but led to a quote over almost £2000 when I do around 3 to 4K and have a separate VW Golf R as my daily driver which seemed excessive.

any tips would be much appreciated , thanks all

Hi Gareth
I have recently been getting a few quotes for my incoming 991.2 GTS.

I had quotes from A Plan and AIB first, they are so called high net worth policies, the cover is brilliant but you do have to pay for it, in my case between £1000 and £1500.

My current insurer Aviva wouldn't cover what I wanted (me plus five named family members), I went to NFU who have a local office and I was very impressed, the cover is very good, no problem with the named drivers and I was happy that should the worst happen I would be OK. They do have an approved repairer in each area but will always use genuine parts whenever possible and work with the customer to choose a repairer if the approved one didn't suit. In my case local repairer is considered to be the best and I would be happy for them to do the work. In reality the Porsche Approved repairers are few and far between so there must be a lot of people who don't use them. I was assured that any repairs would not compromise the Porsche bodywork warranty, I suppose this is the same as using an indy for services or mechanical repairs - so long as OEM parts are used and fitted properly the warranty still stands.

NFU have an excellent reputation, customers who claim rate them highly, I read on forums of Porsche owners using cheap 'comparison site' policies and wonder how they would get on in the event of a claim.

So for me it's NFU, the high net worth policies are good but beyond what is reasonable in price - if I was very wealthy I might choose the. Give NFU a try, ask questions and see what you think. My premium (I live in a low risk area) will be under £300 and includes legal and breakdown cover!
Under £300 for a £100k+ car with 5 drivers seems almost unbelievably low! What annual mileage is that on? Always thought NFU were good but not necessarily cheap.
tscaptain said:
Under £300 for a £100k+ car with 5 drivers seems almost unbelievably low! What annual mileage is that on? Always thought NFU were good but not necessarily cheap.

That's for 8k miles. I'm in a low risk area (IOM), early 60's and no driver under 30, plus we all have clean licenses and no claims in recent years. I had open driver cover (only way they could cover 6 drivers on their system) for my Boxster GTS with Aviva that was around the 300 mark too, Aviva would do the 911 with up to 4 named drivers at a similar price, but I want me plus 5 named drivers.
It must be worth a try to contact Carbon Brokers with the new Porsche Insurance. Not quite as good as the old policy (still with Aviva) but competitive nonetheless.
0333 043 3786
I'm surprised the IOM is a low risk area having been on the Club tour there a couple of times![;)]
Almost impossible to compare premiums due to so many variables involved, can only really share our experience. We generally look at all the features along with any past experience rather than buy on price alone.

We're with Aviva for our 64 plate 991.1 GTS - £525 for 6k miles, £650 excess for any claim (with option to use own repairer for additional £200 excess), mandatory tracker. Exceptional value for a c.£90k car.

Got a quote from NFU and whilst very competitive (£430 for 6k miles) were put off by a varying excess - £650 unless a claim for theft in which case £1,600. When queried they said it was very unusual to have a standard excess for all claims, as with our Aviva quote (at odds with our experience, this was the first time we'd come across a different excess for theft than for other claims). The NFU rep's opinion was that it was very unlikely that the car would be stolen unrecovered due to the Cat 5 tracker so unlikely we'd ever have to pay the excess. I didn't feel comfortable with this level of excess for theft so stuck with Aviva. Been with Aviva for years for various cars including present and past Porsches, always been happy with service. Had to claim for a new windscreen on the Turbo (£75 excess for a like for like replacement) and that was handled well. Previous claims for other non-Porsche cars always been handled efficiently with no fuss.

Hope you find a policy that works best for you.

Lisa & Michael
tscaptain said:
I'm surprised the IOM is a low risk area having been on the Club tour there a couple of times![;)]
Haha I know what you mean! but car theft is non existent here (could never get stolen car off the Island), and despite the unlimited sections I think our accident rate is quite low.

My Aviva quote said the tracker was compulsory, but the NFU don't require it. I agree there are many variables to consider and usually the cheapest isn't the best. I think I would stick with Aviva (our other cars are with them), but they won't cover the named drivers I want. However the NFU cover is very good, I think the excess is higher for theft but for total loss (over 60%) they give a new car during the first two years, so I can live with that.

thanks for the responses I've got a quotation form out with Aviva and NFU and will try Carbon Brokers.

Great advice, thanks all

I will be looking for insurance for my 991.1 GTS at the end of August. I have Porsche Insurance at present but am unsure if they will offer me a renewal or not do this thread is very interesting.
I will want Track Day cover as well as the use of a Porsche approved repairer. I am 59 with clean Licence (at least at time of writing thus post) and will want my wife on the policy (63) and we live near Windsor. Any suggestions as to who would be worth contacting?
Many thanks.
I'm currently with Admiral, £600 on top of excess to use repairer of choice. But the premium is under £600.

I'm looking to get a Policy that includes some track days, I asked the question on the Facebook page, and got some good leads. I suspect getting this type of cover with double or triple my current premium? we will see..
On re insuring my GT4 I stayed with Marsh although I had to ask as they seemed reluctant at first but the policy seemed better for me and included the 2 track days although Carbon would have been cheaper. When my GTS Targa was delivered I again went to Marsh again mainly for the policy differences and the fact that Carbon couldn't insure it at the time ( early May ).
I am currently looking at insurance for my 991.1 GTS as my policy with Porsche FS via Marsh expires in early September. I received a letter from PFS/Carbon Brokers advising me that I could renew through them at about the same annual premium as my current policy. Result? Maybe not!
When I spoke to Carbon and went through a full list of questions (had no details been passed over from Marsh?), I eventually asked about excess and track Day cover. It turned out that the excess would increase by £200 and no track Day cover was possible. So not the same cover and bigger excess. Disingenuous to say the least to so easy to infer from their letter that the policy was the same Marsh to Carbon.
I know that NFU get good reports but they exclude track days from their cover.
I won't go into details on price as each of our respective circumstances are different but so far I am seeing premia for the same cover and annual mileage ranging from £980 to £1500 so definitely worth the time/effort to shop around.
Does anyone know if Marsh are in business for direct retail insurance business? I tried to contact them and the person who I spoke to didn't know but promised that someone would call me. So far nothing.
When my renewals came up in may this year I asked Marsh for a quote as Carbon didn't offer what I wanted and in the end although Marsh were a little more expensive the policy from them suited my needs which included 2 track days per year.
Do either of you have a phone number as I am having real problems submitting a contact request using their online form and the Cardiff number appears incorrect as a 0207 number?
Lancerlot said:
Try Marsh Premier Solutions on 0345 600 6502.


Yes, I had my boxster s insured with Marsh ... and unfortunately had to make a claim :( ... but they were brilliant at handling it, so happy to recommend them. Also included European cover.

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