Using a stock insert in a strut is always going to be heavy.. Probably more heavy than a dedicated coil over shock.
Ok, I think the Bilstein Insert is lighter than the steel strut? So if I can have a Strut casing made from Aluminium this will
reduce the unsprung weight. Intrax , Ohlins will make me dedicated shocks to spec but they are 3-5K.
For now I want to try a lighter Strut body with a Billy Insert and some lower poundage Hyperco Springs.
Aluminium stub axles are bloody expensive to have made, I had the last pair I needed made by a chap at Penske when they were at Poole just along the road from me, the same chaps who designed my gear linkage bits and the aluminium hubs (and about everything else) in the Porsche ALMS / LMP spyders, so know their stuff.. but now they are fragmented all over the UK working for F1 teams since Penske closed the UK side of their business a few years back.
Back then you would have been looking at about £2k per pair, with the hubs fabricated from aluminium plate, cad designed, laser cut and tig welded together with a billet section for the spindle to screw into, as per the Spyder hubs, this price was a bit of a favour too, but called in homers from several people there, from designers, machinists and welder, then stress tested in their lab, so actually probably accounted for about ten different people getting a couple of hundred pounds each for their time out of hours!
Ok, that's silly money then I'll forget that idea.
Last set were for a race car with money no object, but soon afterwards hit the armco at brands hatch in a 750 motor club roadsports series crash, no idea what happened to the hubs, although I still have some parts of the car I bought from the owner.
Aluminium hubs are a good idea, but expensive, unless you retrofit something already out there, such as (for example) a boxster stub axle, which could then mean you could retrofit the shock from a coil over 996 model, boxster hub, disk, wheel bearing etc etc.
I thought the stock Hubs were Aluminium anyway?
A lot of work, but aluminium has other benefits, especially if you do not go too light, such as its capacity to absorb heat, such as with the brakes.. But that is another thing altogether with the lengths you can go to to help components become heat sinks for the brakes.