ORIGINAL: Lancerlot
ORIGINAL: glamdring
ah yes i've seen that one - but it's that slightly gay blue ... [][
Well, one or two of us in 997 Register are in touch with our feminine side, ducky! [8D] []
Oooh you are awful buit I like you.......
Sport Chrono plus is the must have. I think cruise control is standard but you need it to save your licence, and in pdk on long runs it gets you bettre fuel economy than you can achieve with the right foot.
As per everyone else's comments - pick the options and colour you like - at trade in they'll gut you what ever you hae bought.
Personally adaptive sports seats are supremley comfortable for long distnace and hold you wll on the nagety bits.
The S is quicker, but not by much so unless its long swoopies or a track you'd be hard poushed to spot the difference.
As per the advice Clive gave me - these ar eonbe hell of a fast machine and without trying you can end up in a corner way faster than you expected or than the corner will cope with. so take it easy early days to get the hang of the beast.[