ORIGINAL: Peter Bull
Best of luck with you endeavours.
But I doubt it will do anything other than add to Clarksons riducule and loathing of all things Porsche.
It could also have a detrimental effect of reducing the value of our cars on the second hand market.
So is this a logic for disgruntled owners to be "isolated" --- or a reason for Porsche to stop playing hardball with the "few" owners who do suffer these problems ?
Is the retail pricing of Porsches now so "tight" that this cannot be built in to the pricing model ?
Or are there so many failures that Porsche simply cannot deal properly with them all ?
In my view Porsche are building a crisis of confidence out of a solvable problem ...
Admitting a problem and solving it is no disgrace. And in fairness, the 5k new engine would have been (in my view) a reasonable outcome. Others seem to have received far less accommodating offers than this, and even so the customer has "walked.
Porsche can't "win-em all" --- but this is rumbling on in a ridiculous way ...
Maybe the compulsory three year warranty ? is a way forwards in this respect, though what is the standard warranty in the USA ?